Big Pharma’s Covid-19 Profiteers

Pharma Vulture

How the race to develop treatments and a vaccine will create a historic windfall for the industry — and everyone else will pay the price.

(Tom: Despite the fact that the article exposes some of the worst aspects of the drug company and government fleecing of the taxpayer, beware the false data in the article! Unless you spot it as propaganda, it conditions you to belive in an unreal, drug favourable mindset:

Eg “since the pandemic won’t be stopped unless the whole world gets treated.”

“One of these companies is likely to develop the drug that allows the world to go back to normal”)



Psyop – Psychological Covert Operation to alter your perception of persons, organisations, places, facts or events.

Human Rights Video #10: Right To Fair Trial

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled. The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights. Hence this post and the request you share these posts so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Steve Cook Writes From The UK:

Government keeps right on spinning until unable to stand

I was looking at an online article this morning on the website of one of the UK tabloids.

The article was the usual propaganda piece designed to keep the narrative of the government and pharmaceutical/vaccine vested interests propped up on life support long after it should have been allowed to die a dignified death.

You know the sort of thing: a big deal made about “ALL THE NEW CASES” found somewhere or other. No mention made of the increased testing using unreliable tests that give lots of false positives and which are bound in any case to produce more “cases” which nobody knew were there because the symptoms were too mild or non- existent. Little or no mention of DEATHs any more because the COVID deaths are so low – or non existent. The article in question did mention in passing that there had been 11 more people die with (not of) COVID19. But no mention either of the low number of flu deaths because “flu” has been in many instances reclassified as “COVID”.

Ah well, I’m restating the blindingly obvious. Just about the entire population is now familiar with and alert to the mind games, tricks and statistical sleights-of-hand that have been played on us in an effort to frighten the population into cooperating with lockdown and other methods of national suicide.

None of these tricks are surprising anymore, especially as the two main sources of revenue for the MSM are the government and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, the propagandists keep right on flogging their dead horse long after it has keeled over, been read the last rites, died and been buried in a field next to other dead horses such as Tony Blair’s WMD, Socialism and the belief in fairies..

What DID surprise me was that when I looked down at the comments left by readers, I discovered almost ALL were of the mind that the government is manned by lying scum intent upon keeping the con going long after its intended victims (the people) have seen through it.

The journalist who put together the newspaper article and sought thereby to perpetuate the disservice to his fellow citizens had worked very hard to convincingly spin the propaganda yarn but hardly any of his readers were buying it.

It goes to show the old adage that the MSM likes to THINK it determines public opinion but in fact it doesn’t. Trust in the MSM is now at an all time low both in the UK and the USA.

What has really bowled me over has been to observe HOW QUICKLY and HOW EXTENSIVELY people have seen through and begun to rebel against this psychological trickery and deceit.

It seems longer because the whole plandemic affair is ruddy tedious but in a matter of mere weeks we have seen the nation go from a majority trust that what the government was telling us was more or less true to broad disbelief and now a simmering revolt.

We, the People, are not the pushover that those in the Antique World Order keep hoping we are.

All of you who campaigned for the truth and the unmasking of this insidious caper should take heart from the fact that you contributed mightily to the furtherance of the truth.

Pour coals on your efforts, unite and really ram home your advantage. We have a national and global civilisation to save from the clutches of devious, subversive scum.

Meanwhile, this will only get worse for the wrecking crew masquerading as our government as the full consequences of its sabotage of an already weak economy using the pretext of a hyped up plandemic hit home.

I hope those responsible will be brought to justice for their betrayal.

But I hope too that when heads roll we will not lose sight of the fact that BJ and his crew are not the masterminds. They are the dupes, collaborators and stooges, the puppets.

We need to identify and take down the puppet masters.