The Secret To Writing

The Secret To Writing

There are two powerful things I want to share with you today.

Number one concerns getting what you want.

If you distill it down to it’s core simplicities, this consists of
1. Knowing where you are.
2. Having a known objective you wish to reach.
3. Having a plan of how to get from where you are to where you want to reach.
4. Making a start.
5. Keeping on moving towards your objective. Staying focused and keeping moving despite obstacles, distractions and demotivators.

And number two is about getting what you want.

Some people wonder how others can accomplish so much…
The powerful truth is that small habits make huge difference over time.

Reading 20 pages per day is 30 books per year. Over ten years, that’s 300 books.

Saving $10 per day is $3,650 per year. In ten years that’s $36,500 and if well invested, potentially $100,000.

Running 1 mile per day is 365 miles per year. Over ten years it’s the distance of 80 marathons.

Becoming 1% better per day is 365% better in a year.

By embodying a process of continuous improvement in your knowledge, ethic level, integrity, self management (diet, exercise, sleep) and people skills you will become an unstoppable force.

As I have on my email footer:

Our most formidable enemies are:
Personal and collective ignorance,
personal and organisational out-ethics,
lack of personal integrity and
lack of self-discipline.

What we don’t know and what we know we should do but do not discipline ourselves to do are two things that will kill us. Gradually or suddenly.

Self-discipline is a skill and just like any skill, it improves with practice.

On what are you going to practice yours today?

‘Unintended’ Consequences of mRNA Shots

Unintended Consequences of mRNA Shots

MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff’s paper, “Worse Than the Disease: Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19,” published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research in collaboration with Dr. Greg Nigh, is still one of the best, most comprehensive descriptions of the many possible unintended consequences of the mRNA gene transfer technologies incorrectly referred to as “COVID vaccines.”

Channel Country Rivers Petition

Have you heard of the mighty Channel Country Rivers that flow from north-west Queensland down to Kati-Thanda-Lake Eyre in the heart of Australia?

They bring monsoon rains over-land to millions of hectares of floodplains supporting incredible wildlife, outback communities and a huge organic beef industry.

Tragically, Origin Energy has them in their sights and last week we discovered they had secretly obtained approvals to frack across almost 250,000 hectares of the floodplains*.

We can’t let this stand.  Origin Energy is on track to destroy our most iconic natural areas with incredible cultural significance across the Kimberley, Territory and now south-west Qld.

Can you sign the petition today demanding protection for these magnificent floodplains, some of the last free-flowing desert rivers in the world?

The Queensland Government has been promising to protect these mighty rivers and floodplains since 2015, but has failed to deliver.

Now Origin Energy has been granted leases for shale oil without any public notification whatsoever – with Traditional Owners and graziers last week saying they were blindsided and not given any chance to have their say.

It will be Australia’s first shale oil extraction – a massive threat in floodplain environments like these.

It’s time for people across Australia to stand up against Origin Energy targeting yet another of our national treasures. Will you sign the petition to help stop Origin’s dodgy shale oil plan?

It’s not too late for the Queensland government to reverse this decision. They have broken an election promise and they need to fix it. They need to know the eyes of Australia are on them and that we won’t stand for this.

Please share the story and build the numbers we need on the petition to really pressure the Queensland Government.

And next year we’ll come back with renewed energy to take on Origin Energy and their investors, to stop their dangerous plans targeting Australia’s most iconic natural areas for fracking.

Thanks for your support,

Nick and the Lock the Gate Queensland team

What is Sulforaphane — And Why Is It so Good for You?

Cruciferous Veggies

Sulforaphane is a phytonutrient, which is a fancy word for “nutrient found in a plant.” It functions as a powerful antioxidant, meaning it fights against and repairs the damage that occurs all the time in every cell in your body. It’s also an isothiocyanate — a type of compound that’s synthesized from a precursor found in cruciferous vegetables, which are a part of the Brassica family.

S1 Q22 Critical Thinking – What if?

S1 Q22 Critical Thinking

(I am repeating the text here as I do not know how to make multiple links in images clickable.)
What if everyone knew that masks do not prevent the spread of a respiratory viral infection?
What if everyone knew social distancing and lock downs did more harm than good?
What if everyone knew that the official recommendation for treating Covid did more harm than good, that more than one doctor has had a 100% success rate in treating Covid? Over 7,000 patients treated – ZERO deaths!
What if everyone knew that there was a very long list of very well credentialed doctors risking their livelihoods to speak out against the insanity of the government response to Covid?
What if everyone knew that just by taking a Vitamin D supplement your chances of dying from Covid drop to ZERO?
What if everyone knew there was a way to end the Covid crisis almost instantly?
What if everyone knew that there was a far greater threat to us than Covid?
If everyone knew the above, how long do you think the crisis would last?
Now you know, do you think you have any responsibility to share it? After all, you don’t leave your mates neck deep in the swamp and sinking if you can pull them out, do you?