Eight Reasons to End the Lockdowns As Soon as Possible

The Curve

This post does not deny the effectiveness of social distancing or quarantine for COVID-19. I am not encouraging people to suspend these practices before official determinations have been made public. This post is to help physicians, thought leaders and public officials understand and weigh the risks and benefits of extended lockdowns versus more measured and earlier return to work measures.


Fauci End Game

Fauci through the US NIH authorises 3.7 million dollar grant to Wuhan lab to continue this coronavirus research, in direct and flagrant contravention of US law.

No vaccine for coronavirus a possibility

Vaccine Testing

An eminent Australian vaccine inventor says COVID-19 may never have a preventive vaccine: “Coronavirus doesn’t get into you, it stays on the surface cells in your lungs. All these flu viruses get into you, so the body can fight and makes T cells. This virus doesn’t kill the cells, it makes them sick. At the moment we don’t know how to make a coronavirus vaccine work.”


Iceland scientists found 40 mutations of the coronavirus, report says

Just Like The Flu Vaccine

Scientists in Iceland found 40 mutations of the coronavirus among people with the deadly bug in the country…

“It is interesting with the 40 specific variants that fall into three clusters that can be traced back to specific sources of infection,” the professor said. “Coronavirus is known as a virus that can mutate reasonably violently. We have seen reports of variants from China already. That way, it fits well with what one expects.”

(Tom: So I predict that any SARS_CoV-2 vaccine will have as much luck as the flu vaccine, about 10% effectiveness. So forget about vaccines with their known slew of toxic ingredients and harmful to fatal side effects, boost your immune system with a better diet, sunshine, fresh air, sleep and reduce your stress levels and supplement your Vitamins A, C and D3 levels.)


About Trump

Major General Smedley Butler

(Tom: This is a great read from a very insightful author and well worth your time.)

Early in his mandate, Trump naively tried the direct approach, by surrounding himself with establishment rebels like Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon, then by annoying each and everyone of his foreign allies, shredding their free-trade treaties, imposing taxes on imports and insulting them in their face in the G7 meetings of 2017 and 2018. The reaction was strong and everyone doubled-down on the Russiagate absurdity, as it looked like the only option to stop the man on his path of globalism destruction. Predictably, the direct approach went nowhere; Flynn and Bannon had to go, and Trump was entangled in a handful of inquiries that made him realize that he wouldn’t get anything accomplished with transparency. He had to find a way to annihilate the most dangerous people on the planet, but at the same time, stay in power and alive. He had to smarten up.

That’s when his genius exploded on the world. He completely changed his strategy and approach, and started taking absurd decisions and tweeting outrageous declarations. As threatening and dangerous as some of these first looked, Trump didn’t use them for their first degree meaning, but was aiming at the genuine second degree effects that his moves would have. And he didn’t care about what people thought of him as he did, for only results count in the end. He would even play buffoon over Twitter, look naive, lunatic or downright idiotic, perhaps in the hope to impregnate the belief that he didn’t know what he’s doing, and that he couldn’t be that dangerous. He’s willfully being politically incorrect to show the ugly face that the United States are hiding behind their mask.

Free Steven Donziger and Make Chevron Clean Up!

Steven Donziger

“Decades of trying to avoid prosecution, decades of exploiting its vast resources in court, and decades of ignoring the cries of its victims: in that sense, Chevron is the Harvey Weinstein of environmental degradation. Just like Weinstein, it’s looking to evade justice.” – Alec Baldwin

Today, our calls for justice for Ecuadorians are amplified. In a full-page ad in the Financial Times, 29 Nobel laureates joined with artists Alec Baldwin and Roger Waters demanding that Chevron face justice for its deliberate pollution of the Amazon and calling for an end to the house arrest of human rights lawyer Steven Donziger.

Donziger was a lead lawyer in the $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron for dumping 16 billion gallons of toxic oil waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Chevron was found guilty and ordered to clean up its mess. Instead of addressing the humanitarian and environmental crisis it caused, the company fled Ecuador and launched a new legal battle aimed to bury the case in litigation. One of its main retaliation efforts includes a campaign to “demonize Donziger.” It relies on the complicity of a U.S. federal trial judge to intimidate Donziger, ultimately preventing Ecuadorians from seeing justice.

Donziger has now been under house arrest for over 250 days for refusing to turn over his computer, cell phone, and confidential case files to Chevron. He is the only lawyer in U.S. history who has ever been detained pretrial on a contempt charge. This abuse must end. Chevron must be held accountable.

Join the call to #FreeDonziger and stand up to big oil at www.MakeChevronCleanUp.com!