Study Finds that Fasting for 72 Hours Can Regenerate the Entire Immune System

New research out of the University of Southern California presents a fascinating discovery, once again bringing the debate to the forefront. The team gathered a group of participants and asked them, in the initial stages, to fast for 2-4 days on a regular basis over a 6-month period. During this time, they witnessed some incredible changes. The participants saw a noticeable decrease in the production of the enzyme PKA, a hormone which has been associated with an increased risk of cancer and tumor growth. Furthermore, the immune system of the participants appeared to get a complete overhaul.

People Power Will Defeat The TPP

People Power Will Defeat The TPP
I received this in an email from the Greens and while we have plenty to disagree on, this one has my total support!
Malcolm Turnbull and his Trade Minister have just signed Australians up to a revived version of the TPP. If you haven’t read much of the detail, that’s not by accident. This is a dodgy deal designed behind closed doors — by corporations, for corporations.
We need your help to make sure this zombie Trans-Pacific Partnership stays in the ground.
There’s a lot at stake. Together with dangerous ISDS clauses that allow foreign multinationals to sue Australia, causing cancer medication costs to go through the roof, and Australian jobs disappearing offshore, this is the sort of deal you get when you favour corporations over communities.
The good news is that just because Malcolm Turnbull has signed us up to the revamped TPP, he’ll still need to pass legislation through the Parliament for it to come into effect.
That means we have a chance to use the power of the Senate to shine a light on what exactly the Government is hitching our wagon to.
Corporations have written this deal. The Turnbull Government hasn’t even released the text. We’ve had to rely on other governments to show us what our government is trying to force on us.
They don’t want the community to see what’s being committed to, because they know what happens when everyday Australians smell a rat – they fight back.
And the Greens will always be there to fight with you. Because we know, together, we can stop this.
We’re going to throw all we can at this deal to expose the dangers it poses to Australia, and to defeat it in the Parliament.
Help us – sign and share this petition to spread the word.
We can’t win this on our own. We need your help. Can we count on you?
With thanks,
PS – Once you’ve signed the petition, don’t forget to share it on your social networks

Fluoride Lowers Health and IQ

Fluoride Lowers Health and IQ
“The studies are legion, sodium fluoride and other members of the fluorine family that are added to western water supplies are devastating the health and cognitive ability of the people that (sic) drink it.”
Those “senior moments” you get? They are NOT a normal symptom of aging. You get them because you are poisoned and malnourished!
1. Get a fluoride filter.
2. Improve your nutrition.

US Medical Doctors Find Elevated Levels Of Fukushima Radioactive Cesium 137 In Urine Of Multiple Patients; Radiation Test Results Of Soil Across The US

This data is particularly important if you live in the US but also if you have any sort of digestive issue. Apparently as background radiation in the atmosphere rises, so do digestive complaints.

Black Seed Oil Puts Deadly Asthma Meds To Shame

A new study published in the journal Phytotherapeutic Research reveals that a powerful little black seed known as nigella sativa — once referred to as ‘the remedy for everything but death’ — may provide a powerful alternative to pharmaceutical medicine in the treatment of asthma. This is extremely promising for the millions of chronic asthma sufferers who are still taking medications like long-acting beta agonist which the FDA warned back in 2006 actually increased the risk of dying from asthma.