No Negativity

No NegativityDecide you are impervious, impenetrable and unstoppable!
(Because it is the truth.)
Expand your reach past the limits of this universe.
Decide what product you could produce that would make it a totally awesome day for you!
And do that, get that product!
Do the same again tomorrow.
And the next day.
Make it a habit.
Build a life of days where you are proud and impressed with the products you get.
Imagine a world where most of us did that!
By word and deed, inspire others to do the same.
Bring your imaginings to reality.

If You Only Walk On Sunny Days You Will Never Reach Your Destination

If You Only Walk On Sunny Days You Will Never Reach Your DestinationVictories boost your confidence.
Adversity builds your character.
It takes courage to confront all aspects of life.
Confront raises your courage.
It’s not a balanced life without all.
He who would confront all, would communicate to all and persist through all adversity would be an outrageously confident character.