
Did you know babies that wear disposable nappies\diapers are five times more likely to get a rash than babies wearing a cotton nappy\diaper?


Did you know babies that wear disposable nappies\diapers are five times more likely to get a rash than babies wearing a cotton nappy\diaper?

Parsley and Celery, Apples and Nuts Help Prevent Breast Cancer

In a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, Salman Hyder, the Zalk Endowed Professor in Tumor Angiogenesis and professor of biomedical sciences in the University of Missouri-Columbia’s College of Veterinary Medicine and the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, gave apigenin (a common compound found mostly in parsley and celery but also in apples, oranges, other fruit and nuts) to rats with a particular type of breast cancer. The apigenin prevented the cancers from growing their own blood vessels. This slows their development and growth.

Discovery of Bt insecticide in human blood proves GMO toxin a threat to human health, study finds

The built-in pesticide has been integrated into certain GM crops to ward off pests. Bt corn, for instance, has actually been designed to produce the toxin directly inside its kernels, which are later eaten by both livestock and humans. The new study shreds the false notion that Bt is broken down by the digestive system, and instead shows that the toxin definitively persists in the bloodstream.