Heartlbleed Security Bug

Earlier this week a security bug has been discovered in a popular cryptographic software (OpenSSL) widely used to secure the internet putting millions of passwords, personal information and credit card numbers at risk.
Why is Heartbleed such a big deal?
Heartbleed affects the encryption technology used by companies to protect online accounts for banking, email, instant messaging and e-commerce.
How does it work?
Heartbleed creates an opening in SSL/TLS (an encryption technology used, marked by the small padlock and “https” on websites to show traffic is secure). The bug makes it possible to snoop on the traffic between the website and the web browser even when showing “https” and the closed padlock.
What do I do if I own a website?
Get your website administrator to verify your website is not affected by this bug. A fixed version of OpenSSL has been released, but it is up to the administrator to apply it. They can read more here http://heartbleed.com/ You can run a check yourself, but this might not be 100% accurate.
How do you protect yourself?
You will need to change your password, but until those sites have applied the fix there is no use. It would be up to the companies affected to inform you that they have applied the fix.
To give you an idea, Yahoo Inc. has more than 800 million users around the world, said that most of its popular services affected had been fixed but work it still being done on other services they have not identified.
Rene Els

'Chilling' News For Brands On Facebook

By: Chris Crum | Staff Writer
Facebook recently launched an update to its News Feed algorithm aimed at promoting higher quality content. It’s being billed as Facebook’s version of the Google Panda update, mostly because that was also aimed at promoting higher quality content, and also has the ability to hurt businesses by eliminating their visibility.
Have you been affected by Facebook’s update?
Let us know in the comments.
So far, it looks like brands are suffering pretty hard from the update. Ignite Social Media has put out a report after analyzing 689 posts across 21 brand pages of a variety of sizes and industries, finding that since December 1st, organic reach and organic reach percentage have each declined by 44% on average. Some, it says, have seen declines of up to 88%. One page out of the bunch saw an increase (5.6%).
“As reach declined, the raw number of engaged users plunged as well, falling on average by 35%,” writes Jim Tobin on the Ignite blog. “Some pages saw engaged users fall as much as 76%. Only one page in the data set had an increase in the number of engaged users, coming in at 0.7%.”
“Facebook once said that brand posts reach approximately 16% of their fans,” he writes. “That number is no longer achievable for many brands, and our analysis shows that roughly 2.5% is now more likely for standard posts on large pages. So, a year ago a brand could expect to reach 16 out of 100 fans and now that brand is lucky if they get 3 out of 100. Chilling news for brand pages who have invested resources to ‘build’ a large following of fans.”
In the past, plenty of brands (and plenty of users, for that matter) have complained about Facebook not showing their posts to all of their fans, let alone more than 3%. After all, doesn’t one “like” a page because they want to see updates from that page? Isn’t that the whole point?
A lot of people have wanted Facebook to give them a “pure” News Feed, giving them all updates from friends and pages they like. The closest thing resembling that – the ticker – isn’t even in the “new” News Feed design, though it turns out that might not be fully rolling out anyway.
As the Ignite report points out, research from Forrester and Wildfire shows that engaged customers are most likely to purchase and recommend brands, and engagement is falling because of the new update. Chilling indeed.
Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider suggests that the Facebook change has “screwed an entire profession”. He’s talking, of course, about social media marketers or “an industry of people who run Facebook pages for big brands.”
Facebook seems to be going for the “pay to play” approach. Imagine if Google tried that in its general web search (they already are in Google Shopping). The News Feed isn’t search, so it may seem like apples and oranges, but like Google search, the Facebook News Feed is one of the biggest gateways to content discovery on the Internet. This is a big deal. Plus, Facebook does have Graph Search, which recently introduced status updates and other posts in results, though it’s been a slow roll-out. You have to wonder if the News Feed update will affect rankings here.
AdAge reported last week that many would see their organic reach drop off, and that Facebook is acknowledging it with a sales deck that was sent out to partners, which said, “We expect organic distribution of an individual page’s posts to gradually decline over time as we continually work to make sure people have a meaningful experience on the site.”
There you have it.
Interestingly this all comes after Facebook was telling publishers that upping their post frequency increases referral traffic. In October, Facebook said that with a group of media sites it tested, referral traffic grew by over 80% when they posted more frequently. There were 29 partner media sites, and one of them was BuzzFeed. All Things D reports that Vice President of Product Chris Cox, one of the main guys behind the changes, “especially has a problem with BuzzFeed and sites similar to it”. The report cites multiple sources on that.
We have no idea if BuzzFeed is actually suffering from the changes, though the site did run an article saying that publishers are nervous about the changes. Here’s a snippet from that:
“We’re starting to get very nervous,” one staffer at a major paper told BuzzFeed. “It’s scary that they can get everyone hooked on such high referral traffic then take it away so quickly with a quick flip of their algorithm.”
What’s disturbing is that right now, the changes are mainly based on source rather than content itself. Facebook News Feed manager Lars Backstrom gave an interview to All Things D last week, and said as much. He said Facebook will start “distinguishing more and more” between different types of content as it refines its approaches, so it might not all be based upon source in the future, but for now, it’s all about the source.
It just so happens that BuzzFeed is a prime example of why this strategy is no good. Sure, BuzzFeed has many articles along the lines of “15 Signs You’re Eating Dinner,” but they also have real, in-depth articles. Good content is good content regardless of where it appears, and to penalize an entire site – the good and the bad – based on the bad, seems detrimental to the whole point of the changes. It would be like penalizing all YouTube content because there are a lot of shitty videos on YouTube.
Why do you think Google has authorship? Facebook sure doesn’t know anything about the actual people putting out the content do they?
Do you think Facebook’s News Feed changes will benefit the user experience? Can brands overcome the apparent blow? Tell us what you think.
Chris Crum has been a part of the WebProNews team and the iEntry Network of B2B Publications since 2003. Follow Chris on Twitter, on StumbleUpon, on Pinterest and/or on Google: +Chris Crum. View all posts by Chris Crum

Microsoft Outlook flaw exploited with email preview

Microsoft Office, Windows and Server platforms suffer from remote code execution flaws, Redmond has revealed.
The vulnerabilities would be fixed as part of its Patch Tuesday set of 14 updates.
It included a Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 flaw that could be triggered by merely previewing an email in Outlook.
Qualys CTO Wolfgang Kandek said that flaw contained within second bulletin should be a prioirty fix.
“Bulletin two should be high priority for your desktop security team,” Kandek said.
Other fixes deemed critical, Microsoft’s highest rating, update the company’s Sharepoint Server product, Internet Explorer versions 6 to 10, and operating systems Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
Bulletins ranked “important” also included fixes for remote code execution flaws and vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to carry out a denial-of-service, or give saboteurs elevated privileges.
Another security issue, which could allow users’ private data to be disclosed to attackers, will also be plugged with the Patch Tuesday update.

Malware Built At Record Rates

If you do not have malware (MALicious softWARE) protection (anti-virus being the simplest example) then you are it is only a matter of time before you are badly stung.
Trojans continue to dominate the threat landscape, according to Panda Security’s latest quarterly report, released Monday.
The anti-virus maker’s research arm, PandaLabs, found that between January and March of this year, more than 6.5 million new malware strains were built, with trojans comprising 75 percent of those. In total, trojans were responsible for 80 percent of global computer infections – a record – far outpacing worms, viruses and adware.
Across the globe, researchers discovered that more than 31 percent of PCs have been seeded with malware, with machines in China experiencing the highest infection rates (around 50 percent). In the United States, PandaLabs said 28 percent of computers are infected nationwide, numbers that roughly correspond to previous versions of the report.