Amazon Deforestation

THIS and pollution deserve our attention more than climate change! If we can get the crazies to stop spraying chemtrails, the greedy to stop destroying and polluting habitat, the depressed to go for a walk instead of popping crazy pills and pissing drugs into the waterways and the awake to enlighten the sleeping, we have a chance!

Neurotransmitters: Our Natural Secret Weapons to Boost Brain Function and Mood

Dr Todd Watts

I received a promotion for some brain nutrient supplements that contains some interesting data that might expand your understanding of why I include certain nutrients in my personal supplement regime and Healthelicious products. Here is the text from the email and the link to the presentation.

In 1921, an Austrian scientist named Otto Loewi abruptly woke up in the middle of the night. He jotted down a few notes on a tiny slip of paper before falling asleep again.

In the morning, he had a sense that he’d written down something important, but he couldn’t decipher his own scrawled message.

The next night, at 3 A.M., the idea returned. He dreamed about an experiment to determine whether chemicals could be transmitted between nerve cells to create a certain physiological effect.

In the morning, Otto got up, went to his laboratory, and performed an experiment on frog hearts — the very same experiment he had dreamed about. Because of his dream, he ended up discovering the first neurotransmitter, one called acetylcholine.

Over the next century, scientists have discovered over 200 unique types of these chemical messengers.

This article explains the importance of maintaining your neurotransmitter health as part of a natural healthy brain protocol.

When you read it, you’ll discover:

Why maintaining normal levels of neurotransmitters in your brain is so critical to your health and well-being…

7 common reasons why you may suffer from an imbalance in your brain neurotransmitters (see how to fix the problem)…

3 key neurotransmitters responsible for your happiness as well as your ability to remain calm, relaxed, and motivated…

Top doctor-recommended nutrients to restore balance to these crucial chemical messengers…

And much more…

When your neurotransmitters are healthy and in balance, you’ll think more clearly, feel less anxious, and enjoy a positive outlook on life.

On the other hand, when neurotransmitters don’t work the way they are supposed to, this can lead to many adverse effects on the body.

Click the link to view a short video on keeping your brain healthy, your mood steady, and your memory intact by balancing your neurotransmitters and other brain functions

Please take five minutes from your busy day to discover why neurotransmitter balance should be a key part of your overall strategy to maintain optimal brain health as you grow older.

To your health,

Jonathan Otto

P.S. How can you fortify your brain cells and neurotransmitters for optimal memory, happiness, mental calmness, and restful sleep — and do it simply and easily?

Vitamin C outperforms vaccines

The idea of a “silver bullet” that can cure humankind of a broad variety of the diseases that plague it, from cancer to measles to the flu, has long been a dream of patient and physician alike. What if that silver bullet were to come not in the form of the latest risky vaccinations but in the form of a vitamin supplement?

Jodie Tysver Jensen reports: “With ample Vitamin C, my non-vaccinated, micro-premmie recovered from whooping cough in less than 2 weeks. Her older, vaccinated siblings had all coughed for longer than 100 days when I learned of this remedy.”