What to Do When Your Addicted Loved One Says, “I Don’t Have a Problem”

When someone struggles with drug addiction or alcoholism, getting that person help becomes the priority. Addiction is a lethal crisis—something that claims the lives of thousands of people every year. There’s no telling when a deadly overdose or accident could come about.Read the Full Article >> https://www.narcononarrowhead.org/blog/what-to-do-when-your-addicted-loved-one-says-i-dont-have-a-problem.html

Panic Attacks And Anxiety Episodes Linked To Vitamin Deficiencies In Groundbreaking Study

Panic Attacks

One small study out of Japan may provide an important insight into the connection between nutritional deficiencies and mental health, revealing that low levels of vitamin B6 and iron may actually trigger the chemical changes in the brain responsible for panic attacks, hyperventilation and other forms of anxiety.

Tom’s two cents worth: This is hardly ground breaking! It has been known for decades in other circles. Because the researchers do not consider the mind (as a function rather than the brain, an object) they miss the point when coming to their conclusions. The point being that an undernourished body will cause otherwise dormant mental image pictures to come into play. These pictures may have, as part of their content, feelings of fear and anxiety so can produce fear and anxiety in present time that is totally disrelated to the present time environment. Which is why the person suffering from them does not appear normal. Their reactions may have been appropriate at the time the picture was taken but are inappropriate to the present time circumstances.

So if you are feeling a bit anxious, the first thing to do is improve your sleep and nutrition. Next, take a daily walk and look at things. Once you’ve done those things for two weeks, call me and I’ll point you in the direction of erasing those pictures.

BOMBSHELL – Corvelva Releases Next Vaccine Analysis Results.

Vaccines and Syringe

And this is given to 18 month olds in Australia!

GSK MMRV Vaccine (Priorix Tetra) found to contain a massive amount of foreign viruses. None of which appear related to the supposed purpose of the vaccine itself.

By General Maddox.

In a previous article shared here on Real News Australia, Dr Sherri Tenpenny discussed the results of an independent analysis carried out by Italian laboratory Corvelva on the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine Infanrix Hexa, a six-in-one vaccine.

To the shock of researchers and anyone seeing the results it was discovered that this particular vaccine contained traces of 65 cross contaminants. Contaminants that are being regularly injected by Doctors and Nurses into infants around the world.

It has now been revealed the results of their next vaccine analysis is now available.

And it’s even more explosive than the first!

You will need to run it through a translator as it’s in Italian however here’s a portion below that’s been done already.

CORVELVA Experts wrote: “We have continued the investigation, both chemical and biological, on the Priorix Tetra, quadrivalent against measles, rubella, mumps and varicella and we have also found …Within the GlaxoSmithKline Priorix Tetra vaccine, Proteobacteria, Platyhelminthes and Nematoda worms, 10 other viruses to ssRNA, Microviridae (bacterial or phage viruses) and numerous retroviruses including endogenous human and avian retroviruses, avian viruses, human immunodeficiency and immunodeficiency virus of monkeys (fragments that if inserted into the database detect fragments of HIV and SIV), murine virus, horse infectious anemia virus, lymphoproliferative disease virus, Rous sarcoma virus. Other viruses like alphaendornavirus and hepatitis b virus, yeast virus.”

Yes, you read that correctly. All of those substances were detected in the GSK Vaccine for Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella, Priorix Tetra which is on the Australian Immunization Schedule for all children at 18 months of age.

Once again we have now seen independent testing of a vaccine turn up absolutely shocking findings. Findings that NO Doctor or Nurse whom administers vaccines would have any idea about. Let alone the parents of children worldwide whom are routinely lining up to get the jabs.

Ethan Nash of TOTTnews.com and myself recently released episode 6 of the General Knowledge Podcast, where we discussed how vaccines are being used as a depopulation tool. This new report on yet another vaccine which shows a whole host of serious contaminants including horse and even simian viruses as well as worms lends even more credence to that claim.

Governments will not test the vaccines they push on the public nor will they call for independent testing of the vaccines on the current schedule. The big pharmaceutical companies also are against independent testing of their products however Corvelva has been able to carry out 2 tests so far. It’ll be interesting to see their next one.

Petition to Halt 5G Rollout

To my Aussie mates…

I ask for your urgent attention. I was sent this information about a formal petition that has been registered and approved by the Australian Parliament to Suspend the 5G Rollout until the health effects are known.

Please have a read and if you agreee please can you sign and forward? It is listed on the Australian Government website. If approved, this petition can make a genuine difference to prevent a serious potential health and environmental crisis in this country.

Petition details

To: the members of the House of Representatives Request: to Stop the 5G roll out until the health effects are known.

It takes 1 minute to sign: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Petitions/House_of_Representatives_Petitions/Petitions_General/Petitions_List?id=EN0977

What is 5G?

Most people think that 5G is just like 2G, 3G and 4G and that it will just mean we have faster internet. Unfortunately this could come at a great cost to public health and safety as 5G technology is very different to anything we’ve had in the past.

Read more: https://www.bit.ly/stop5gaus

Breast Milk

Breast Milk

Not nearly enough people know about this mind-blowing characteristic of breast milk: It changes daily based on signals from the baby.

To produce breast milk, mothers melt their own body fat. Are you with me? We literally dissolve parts of ourselves, starting with gluteal-femoral fat, aka our butts, and turn it into liquid to feed our babies.

Before and after giving birth to my daughter 10 months ago, I was inundated with urgent directives from well-meaning, very insistent health practitioners, parenting book authors, mommy bloggers, journalists, and opinionated strangers that “breast is best.” The message was clear: In order to be a good mom, I had to breast-feed.

But breast-feeding is more than being a good mom. And breast milk is much more than food: It’s potent medicine and, simultaneously, a powerful medium of communication between mothers and their babies. It’s astonishing. And it should be—the recipe for mother’s milk is one that female bodies have been developing for 300 million years.

Breast-feeding leads to better overall health outcomes for children, which is why the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that babies be exclusively breast-fed for a minimum of six months.

Those outcomes, though, are relative: A premature infant in the neonatal intensive-care unit or a baby growing up in a rural African village with a high rate of infectious disease and no access to clean water will benefit significantly more from breast milk over artificial milk, called formula, than a healthy, full-term baby born in a modern Seattle hospital.

We’re also told that breast-feeding leads to babies with higher IQs and lower rates of childhood obesity than their formula-fed counterparts. I understand why people find this appealing, but I don’t plan to raise my daughter to understand intelligence in terms of a single test score, or to measure health and beauty by body mass index.

More compelling to me are the straightforward facts about breast milk: It contains all the vitamins and nutrients a baby needs in the first six months of life (breast-fed babies don’t even need to drink water, milk provides all the necessary hydration), and it has many germ- and disease-fighting substances that help protect a baby from illness. Oh, also: The nutritional and immunological components of breast milk change every day, according to the specific, individual needs of a baby. Yes, that’s right, and I will explain how it works in a minute. Not nearly enough information is provided by doctors, lactation counselors, or the internet about this mind-blowing characteristic of milk.
