Pine Bark Extract

The thought sometimes crosses my mind, if ever so fleetingly, that being as open as I am with the ingredients in my bars and powders is a two-edged sword. Sure, it give you a very transparent view, but it also lets every manufacturer on the planet of ingredients I use that I am a prospective customer. It’s only fleetingly because sometimes I find things worthy of investigating. For instance this just in on the value of the Pine Bark Extract I use in my top bar and powders:
Product name: Pink Bark Extract
Plant Origin: Pinus pinaster
Appearance: Reddish-brown fine powder
Active Ingredients: Proanthocyanidins
-Enhance bone density and strength
-Accelerate healing of injured skin
-Against HIV by inhibiting virus expression and replication
-Interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation, as well as induce apoptosis
-Inhibiting oral sugar metabolism and retard growth of certain bacteria
-Treating heart diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.Pine Bark Extract