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Does Sweating Release Toxins From the Body?

While researching the chemical composition of sweat versus urine I cam across this question on a question and answer site.

The amount of blatantly incorrect information on the internet is absolutely mind boggling. The smooth talking disinformation propagandists and the ignorant naysayers of workable technology are unfortunately in the majority. I pity the average person looking for valid answers. So I penned this. Feel free to pass it along to anyone you think would benefit from my experience.

My personal observations and experience only reinforce those of Thommy. In the last year alone the drug companies have been fined billions, that’s with a “b”, of dollars for illegal activity let alone the immoral stuff. If you have a mind to understand why, there is a movie you can rent or download called “The Corporation”.

My personal experience with the sauna was in a detox program I did in the eighties. Before I did the program I did not feel I needed to do it. I had never taken street drugs or more than two sips of alcohol in my entire life. I read the doctor’s reports of chemical analysis of urine and sweat samples taken from participants before, during and after the program.

Despite my lack of biochemical toxic exposure my IQ was 5 points higher after the program than it was prior to it and my thinking was much clearer. I was surprised.

I know I sweated toxins out because I came home one day and smelt coming out of my hands the solvent I used to wipe the chinagraph pencil figures off a presentation folder I used nearly a decade earlier.

For far more dramatic results than mine, refer them to this site

“FASE [Foundations for Advancements in Science and Education] research director Marie Cecchini recently returned from a trip to New York during which she reviewed and updated Downtown Medical’s case database. Among the most striking findings from this recent review is a dramatic reduction in the need for medication. Of those on medication at program start, 82 percent no longer need medications following detoxification.”

So, to people who say sweating does not rid the body of toxins, even after they have seen the true data, I laugh at their futile lies! The truth will prevail.

How can I get more done in a day?

While the following may help you get more done in a day, it may not. It may be that you are already getting as much done in a day as you can. It may be that these tips will take you, not to the next level in productivity, but to the next level in effectiveness.
First thing to recognise is that time is similar to economics. The sample basic law applies. In economics that basic law is that there are always more things on which to spend your money than you have money to spend. The law with time is that there are always more things to do than you have time to do them.
While we each only have 24 hours in a day, some productive individuals seem to get far more done than the rest of us. Why is it so?
Even lying in bed after I first wake up, if I start to think about the things I want to get done in a day I cannot stay in bed. So having something worthwhile you want to accomplish is one of the keys to productivity.
I find lists help. Making a note of everything that you want to get done means nothing gets forgotten. Most importantly it gives you something to prioritise.
Take your list and set priorities. I flag each item on my to-do list as a V, D or T.
V for Vital – has to be done no matter what.
D for Desirable – really want to get it done.
T is for Trivial – nice but not important.
If you then apply self-discipline to do first the items that are vital then do the desirable ones you may never get to your trivials but you will have accomplished what were to you the most important things to do.
The next step up is in effectiveness – conceiving of and listing as things to do those things that will make the biggest difference in speed of progress in attaining your goals.
Of course completing those things you start is a great boon to productivity. You don’t waste the mental energy keeping track of your incompletes and you don’t waste the time necessary to reorient yourself whenever you return to a task that was partially completed.

How can I find my true love?

List the characteristics you want in your ideal partner. Write then down. To use a very old concept, how does a girl know she has found her Mr. Right if she does not know what Mr. Right looks like?
After that it is a sifting game. Simply, the larger the pool of people with whom you associate, the better your chances of finding someone with whom you will be happy.
While there is a definite and unmistakeable chemistry or fire that can exist between two people, having a partner whom you genuinely like and admire is a great place to start. Helluva lot better than living alone and great fires can be fanned from smouldering embers.
Look for those with whom you enjoy spending time, those whose company you enjoy, the individuals you would rather spend time with above others. If nobody fits that category then either you do not mingle with a large enough group of people or you do not mix with the right sort of people or maybe you need to become a more likeable person yourself!
If you do not mix with a large enough group or enough of the right sort, you need to expand your circle of contacts. If you are shy, this can be daunting but it’s a simple enough thing to build your courage. Just think that the worst anyone could do is take a chain saw to you and cop off your head and anything less than that you’re in positive territory.
If you are not a likeable person yourself, start doing good things to and for others. Rebuild your self-respect. You will like yourself, and others, more and more.

How can I achieve success?

Firstly, define what being a success is for you as you see it at present.
You might need to define success in several areas as we don’t live a one-track life. Personal, emotional, physical, family, relationships, work, financial, social, political, environmental, spiritual etc. What would be your definition of success in each of these areas?
You can’t hit a target unless it’s in your sights. Write down, in detail, what success currently means to you in each area. These are your goals.
To help you identify your goals, focus on your strengths and likes. Look at the things at which you excel or about which you are passionate. It is said that if you earn your living at something you enjoy doing, you will never work a day in your life.
Now you have set goals to reach, you need to work out how to get there. You may have heard the old saying, “Set your goals in concrete and your plans in sand.”
Planning can be split into strategic and tactical. Strategic planning is the broad brush-stroke, high level, general type that is fleshed out by low-level, detailed tactical planning. The combination is a roadmap that defines the steps to the attainment of your goal. Just as on a road trip, there may be a need to alter the particular road you take if a bridge is out, tactical planning needs to be flexible.