RFK Jr On Vaccine Damage

RFK Jr Pensive

Statement from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on vaccines. He points out that chronic childhood ailments surged in 1989, shortly after the quantity of vaccines recommended for children skyrocketed. My son had his first couple of vaccines and then I quit so he wasn’t part of this surge, thank heavens. RFK, Jr. said:
“This is a chronic disease epidemic. I have six kids. I had eleven brothers and sisters. I had over fifty cousins. I didn’t know a single person with a peanut allergy. Why do my kids all have food allergies? Because they were born after 1989. If you were born prior to 1989 your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS, is 12.8%. If you were born after 1989 your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. What are they? They’re the neurodevelopmental diseases; ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, tics, tourette syndrome, ASD/autism. The autoimmune diseases; guillain barre, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. The anaphylactic diseases; food allergies, rhinitis, asthma, eczema. All of these exploded in 1989. Congress order the EPA to do a study to find out what year the disease #epidemic started, and the EPA did that study. They said it started in 1989. There’s lots of culprits, many new things. We have cell phones, PFOA [toxic industrial chemicals], ultrasound, glyphosate [RoundUp] etc. Our kids are swimming around in a toxic soup. We’re not saying all of those illnesses came from vaccines. But there is no intervention that is so exquisitely and precisely timed as what happened when we went in 1989 and changed the vaccine schedule, and raised the levels of aluminum and mercury – tripling and quadrupling them – and went from the three vaccines I had [as a child], to the 72 that my kids had, and the 75 that kids will have next year.”

Tradie Blinded

Tracie Blinded

By August 2021, the best data in the world from Israel (“the laboratory for Covid vaccines”) clearly showed that the Pfizer vaccine was not stopping or even reducing infections.

Further, by Aug 21 the science clearly showed that the vaccine did not stop transmission – something Pfizer admitted they did not even test for.

And the data was screaming that the vaccines weren’t safe as had been advertised.

And yet while those like myself that were trying to sound the alarm over the evidence faced abuse, vilification & censorship and were being slandered by fanatics as “anti-Vaxers” – with the media cheer-squads backing them, the likes of Premier Berejiklian & Dan Andrews were enforcing vaccine mandates upon Tradies.

And only now is it leaked out to the media, that a 21 year-old NSW tradie was left permanently blind after being injected in Sept 2021

And as this being for “rare” – the Australian DAEN database – which due to under-reporting is likely only to record the tip off the ice-berg – has 5,718 reports of Eye Disorders including 106 reports of Blindless following injection with a Covid vaccines.

How many of these 106 now blinded Australians would have line-up to be injected if people trying to the truth were not censored & vilified ?

And although no amount of money can ever compensate a 21 year-old for permanent blindness -that doesn’t mean that Berejiklian, Andrews & others that ignored the evidence & ignored the science, making such catastrophic mistakes, should be able to get off free without being held accountable.