Watch The Need To Grow for Free

The Need To Grow

(Tom: Just watching the trailer had me tearing up!)

Nick Writes:

Hi Tom,

Four years ago, my friend and fellow filmmaker Rob Herring called me with a fire in his heart. He had decided to make it his mission to educate people about sustainability and what we humans can do to create a lasting future for our children and grandchildren.

Rob was in the middle of filming a new documentary on the topic and was looking for guidance on how to turn it into something that could have a huge impact. I told him that he had me at “a lasting future for our children.”

After a ton of hard work (and plenty of serendipity), this remarkable film called The Need To GROW is premiering online for FREE…and I have a feeling it might just change the world.

If you watch the trailer below, I think you’ll agree 🙂

Watch the trailer here

The Need To GROW is a deeply moving, award-winning documentary that will open your eyes to huge issues in our food system that you may not know about. It will leave you feeling informed and inspired about what you can do to impact the health of your loved ones (and the health of our planet) for the better.

You’ll recognize the narrator too! The environmentalist and actress Rosario Dawson gives voice to the film’s important message: we must learn how to sustainably grow food for future generations.

I dare you not to get emotional while watching this film…

Click here to watch it for free

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi

Human Rights Video #29: Responsibility

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled. The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights. Hence this post and the request you share these posts so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Do you know it is a fundamental right of yours to have your own opinion? You would not think so from the way some people (including the government) try to belittle you for disagreeing with them but it is.

Inflammatory Oils To Avoid

Inflammatory Oils To Avoid

When you consume these subpar fats, your cell walls also become subpar. Instead of being flexible and responsive to intercellular communication, cell walls become stiff and rigid. The more rigid the walls, the slower the cell functions and more vulnerable it becomes to inflammation.

Most people label all fats as bad and lump them all together in a box. The truth is that all fats are not created equal. There are good fats, questionable fats and bad fats. Our government, media, scientists and doctors have advised us to eat the wrong types of fats for too long.

You want to ensure your body has the fats it needs to construct high-quality cell walls. That means eating more omega-3 fats. Cell walls made from omega-3 fats are more flexible, which allows cells to respond more quickly to messages.

These “good” fats also help your body produce prostaglandins otherwise known as the hormones that cool off inflammation.

Optimal sources of omega-3 fats include small cold-water fish like wild-caught salmon, sardines and herring, organic flax and hemp seed oils, walnuts, Brazil nuts and sea vegetables.

Scientists suspect that early humans ate almost equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fats.

Our hunter-gatherer human ancestors got healthy omega-6 fats from seeds and nuts. They got their omega-3s from eating wild game and fish as well as foraging for wild plants.

After months of condemnation for no lockdown, Sweden’s COVID deaths drop to near-zero

Sweden Covid Curve

As heated debate continues over the emergency measures taken around the world to limit the spread of COVID-19, new data suggest Sweden’s oft-derided approach of not locking down may have paid off in the long run.

The country of 10 million people has seen a total of 82,972 infections and 5,766 deaths. Unlike many nations, it never shut down its schools or economy and did not restrict individual freedoms to nearly the degree seen in the United States and much of Europe.

Sweden’s leaders faced a steady drumbeat of international condemnation as deaths curved upward from April through June, though the curve flattened in July. Daily deaths fell to the low thirties in mid June, and have been in single digits since July 20.

In April, Swedish epidemiologist Anders Tegnell explained to Nature magazine that Sweden started from the understanding that COVID-19 “is not a disease that can be stopped or eradicated…until a working vaccine is produced,” and that widespread lockdowns would be incompatible with Swedish laws, which “are mostly based on voluntary measures — on individual responsibility.”

“Closedown, lockdown, closing borders — nothing has a historical scientific basis, in my view,” Tegnell said. “We have looked at a number of European Union countries to see whether they have published any analysis of the effects of these measures before they were started, and we saw almost none.”

Notably, Tegnell also acknowledged that Sweden “underestimated the issues at care homes, and how the measures would be applied. We should have controlled this more thoroughly.” This was the same error infamously made in New York, suggesting that Sweden’s overall early outlook was disproportionately impacted by nursing home deaths.

The Probiotics Discovery That Surprised Researchers

Brain Scan

(Tom: This ad for a competitive product to the one I use in my products is worth sharing with you. The product I use has 12 different strains of bacteria so is far more nutritionally diverse than that formulated by this supplier.)

Not so long ago, scientists at UCLA made a surprising discovery. They wanted to understand how probiotics affect the brain and mood. So, they decided to run a test using brain scans. What they discovered shook the foundations of probiotic science.

It has even led some scientists to suggest that probiotics should be called “psychobiotics.” While the term might sound odd, I promise it has nothing to do with an old Hitchcock movie.

You see, the UCLA researchers discovered probiotics have a much bigger effect on how your brain works.

Brain Imaging Reveals Probiotics Support Clearer Thinking

The UCLA study began with a simple goal. The researchers set out to see how the brains of people who consumed probiotics worked differently from those who didn’t. To do this, they used a technology called functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). It’s an MRI for the brain. The test worked this way…

Participants were hooked up and prepped for the fMRI. Then, they looked at pictures designed to stimulate emotional responses. As they did, brain scans were done.

The group that got a placebo without probiotics performed as expected. They showed activity in the sensory and emotion areas of the brain. But the test group who were given probiotics produced brain scans that were completely unexpected…

The Probiotics Group Showed Higher “Executive Function”

Scientists use the term “Executive function” to describe thinking, reasoning, judgment and self-control. Thinking like this takes place in an area of the brain called the pre-frontal cortex. This was exactly the area of the brain that showed activity in the probiotics group.
Thinking like this helps you stay calm. You feel less anxious. It’s also the area active when you think most clearly.

The UCLA researchers had discovered a link between probiotics and higher thinking. It wasn’t that probiotics altered the participants’ emotions. The probiotics enhanced their ability to think and respond.

This study led researchers everywhere to realize probiotics do a lot more than aid digestion and ease gas and bloating. Probiotics affect how well – and clearly – we think.

Weight Loss

Someone asked on Facebook how to lost 35 pounds. I replied:
In four words:
Eat less, move more.

Forget fads and buzz words. Make your food intake conform to the three planks I have for my personal food intake and my products: Purity, Density, Diversity.

No sugar.
No wheat.
No GMOs.
As little refined or processed food as possible.
No empty calories, only nutrient dense food.
As wide a range of foods as your taste buds and body will tolerate, prefereably more than 50% of it raw.

After that, eat right for your body. Not your body type, your spirit, mind, body combination is unique, so discover for yourself what works best for you.

I would further add that I have over 100 weight loss tips in my book, How To Live The Healthiest Life avaialable from
and I have received great feedback from consumers of