The Words You Speak

The Words You Speak

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

by Frank Outlaw late president of Bi-Lo Stores

EU Children Excess Deaths

EU Children Excess Deaths

The most accurate way to judge a person or organisation is to look at the products they produce. Do they harm or help?
Since the Covid jab confers neither protection against infection nor transmission and is productive of a staggering increase in excess deaths and disabilities, the obvious conclusion is that the product harms and destroys.
Since 20–25% of the population are destructive, they support only destructive groups and actions and those the claim to be constructive but actually harm, that gives you a good indication of whether most in the government, the media, the medical industry are constructive or destructive.

‘Unlabeled and Unregulated’: Synthetic Milk Protein with 92 Unknown Compounds Used by More Than a Dozen Food Brands

Synthetic Milk

Recent testing revealed 92 unknown molecules — and a fungicide — in “synthetic” milk now sold in common grocery chains, according to the Health Research Institute (HRI).

The product, sold by Bored Cow, uses a fake whey protein called “ProFerm” made by biotech company and partner Perfect Day. Perfect Day uses genetically modified “microflora” to produce the synthetic milk protein.

According to Bored Cow, their product is a new kind of “animal-free” milk alternative “made with real milk protein from fermentation.”

HRI, a nonprofit independent lab based in Fairfield, Iowa, examined multiple samples of Bored Cow’s “original” flavor milk using mass spectrometry to test the claim that the synthetic protein it contained was the same as real milk protein.

Synthetic milk has never before been consumed by humans and has not undergone safety testing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to HRI’s Chief Scientist and CEO John Fagan, Ph.D.

The testing results have yet to be published, but Fagan shared a few highlights with The Defender, including that the synthetic milk lacked many important micronutrients found in natural milk such as an omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E and some B vitamins.

It also contained a host of compounds that could be harmful to human health, Fagan said.

This news comes as Italy last month banned the sale of synthetically-produced meat, making it the first country to ban synthetic food, according to the Organic Consumers Association.

Fagan — a molecular biologist and former cancer researcher at the National Institutes of Health — has been a worldwide pioneer in testing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Commenting on his lab’s findings, he told The Defender, “The 92 unknown molecules we found have never been studied by scientists. So we don’t know whether they’re safe or dangerous, whether they are nutrients or toxics.”

The World Health Organization pandemic treaty, a road to medical enslavement

The World Health Organization pandemic treaty

The World Health Organization’s institutional transparency and public perception have been very problematic during the past couple decades. Many critics perceive the WHO as a dire threat to global health and the sovereignty of nations’ domestic health policies. The organization largely operates under a veil of secrecy. It is not uncommon for leaked information from the WHO’s internal affairs and closed door meetings to contradict its public statements to the media.