Naomi Wolf with an important message

Naomi R. Wolf is an American liberal feminist author, journalist. Following her first book The Beauty Myth, she became a leading spokeswoman of what has been described as the third wave of the feminist movement.

She is speaking as a technician/CEO to explain the technology of this vaccine passport being proposed recently.

This proposed vaccine passport platform is the same platform being used to enslave over a billion people in China now.

It includes a rigorous Social Credit System.
– it will be one that rewards the discrediting of others
– with severe penalties for attempting to discredit the wrong people
– millions of 360 degree surveillance cameras outside and inside homes
– It can find any dissident in minutes
– It can collate groups of dissidents, shut and lock down anyone’s ability to buy/sell/move
– This can open or close opportunities to a person and any part of their future, in a microsecond
– to restrict development edits
– to constrain payment provisions from bank card credits and PayPal, or Apple-Pay etc.
– to keep people in “continually locked CV status” based on their own secret algorithms
– their pursuit to indulge in tyrannically imposed public, mass behavior modifications
– the restriction of any type of discussion within any place, including your own personal space like at home
– the restriction of any type of communications technology through text, or even alleged walking by one
– it is already tied to Apple pay and Google wallets
– there would be no opt-out options

She’s been deplatformed 5 times since beginning to share this information.

This is the most dangerous technology she has ever seen.

There’s no such thing as coming back from this.

If this succeeds, there would be no such thing as refusing to opt-in.

From then on, there would be:
No more Capitalism
No more Free assembly
No more Privacy
No more personal preferences nor even referencing any better choices without credit penalties.
There would be no escape without substantial nuke’s-EPS, or solar CME’s wiping out everything else, too.

* It completely violates The American Disability Act
* It violently violates our 1st and 4th Amendments

And yet, She is a Democrat? This is far beyond her partisanship with them.

It is advised to listen to her recommendations for further education on this topic.

This was originally posted on her personal page.

FORBES published an article 4/6/21 saying there will not be a Federal sponsored vaccine passport. This occurred carefully worded. Be aware and watching for industry and corporations’ take on implementation of any/various kinds.

Letter From Robert Clancy

Robert Clancy – 22nd August 2021

Dr Altman, Excellent letter, and outstanding support from Dr Lawrie and her colleague. I assume you have a strategy when you do not get a response.

There is no need for me to add to the evidence you summarise, other than to say that data confirming the clinical value of Ivermectin (IVM) appears on a daily basis. Yesterday the British Medical Journal asked me to review a paper showing rapid virus clearance following IVM. In normal times, given the many studies showing exactly that, the paper would be rejected on the basis that the information is not new. It will probably be rejected this time on political and ideological grounds.

As one of the senior clinical immunologists in Australia, and the only one whose research has focussed on mucosal immunology and host-parasite relationships at mucosal surfaces in man (squarely relevant to Covid-19 infection), I find the current disinformation with respect to early treatment of Covid-19 infection beyond my understanding and without precedent in 50 years of practise. The two principles on which Australia has forged the highest levels of medical practice are neglected: the rule of science, and the rule of the doctor-patient relationship.

The situation that defies logic and sense is that, on one hand, repositioned drugs with Pharma support (and patents) focussed on RNA polymerase such as Remdesivir that has failed repeated randomised controlled trials (RCT’s) yet continues to be used in our intensive care units at $4,000-$5,000 a course, while on the other, safe, cheap and e!ective repositioned drugs without patents that focus on changing the way cells process infectious agents, with numerous supporting RCT’s, are dismissed.

The cynicism of Merck having publicly dismissed ivermectin the day before it announced a $US300 million government grant to develop an “early treatment”, starting its “rolling registration” around the world (our TGA last week) for son-of Remdesivir, the repositioned “Molnupirivir”, as a “breakthrough” oral treatment (recently sold to the US government before its trials are completed at $1,000 per course), is not lost on anyone.

I wrote 8 months ago that the biology of Covid-19 infection dictates that while the parenteral genetic vaccines available to us will be important in short term Covid control, they will have little impact on infection, will be short in duration, and that antigen drift will create variants that will severely compromise efficacy. They will settle along influenza-vaccine lines. Moreover, genetic vaccines by stimulating uncontrolled synthesis of spike protein will cause highly concerning adverse events of a short and long-term nature that we can only surmise at this stage.

All these outcomes have come about. My point was, and is, that ivermectin and like drugs are immediately needed, not to compete with vaccines, but to complement them: to reduce community spread; to treat early disease; to reduce progression to severe disease requiring admission to hospital and possible death; and to reduce the growing community repository of “long Covid”.

Making ivermectin available across the Covid community now will shorten the current community crises where infection is out of control, will be synergistic with the vaccine programme facilitating movement through the planned stages, and greatly facilitate our reconnect with the world outside the bubble.

The question almost every experienced clinician is asking in Australia is ’we have a problem that we are doing nothing for, one that is threatening the very fibre of our nation, and vaccines are looking a little iffy. There is a drug available for early treatment of Covid-19 with more evidence supporting its safety and efficacy than there is for most drugs I use every day. Why are we not using this drug? What on earth has my patient got to lose?’ Where is the leadership?

Dr Altman, I support your plea to those who can make decisions, based on evidence as summarised in your open letter. Lives are lost while positions are defended.

Best wishes,

Robert Clancy

California Alert! Mandatory Vaccination Proposal

Just received this in an email:

Senator Pan and Comrades, who have brought us all of the past vaccine mandates, are now going for broke. Their new bill () would:

1) Require ALL employers in California to require that all their employees be fully vaccinated.

2) Would require everyone 12 years and older to be fully vaccinated to enter any hotel, motel, or lodging establishment, any restaurant, bar, cafeteria, lunchroom, lunch counter, soda fountain, or other facility principally engaged in selling food or beverages for consumption on the premises, and any movie theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium, gym, spa, or other place of exhibition or entertainment.

The legislature plans to ram this through in these last two weeks of their session, and have it signed by Governor Newsom before the Recall Election. Please write, call, email, and fax your state senator and assembly member as frequently as you can over the next two weeks, starting right away! You can find them here:

Once you have their names, you can find all their contact information at and Each legislator has a link to their web page, which has their addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers. You can bombard both their Sacramento offices and their district offices! There is also a link to “Contact,” where you can send an email.

You can find all the contact info for Governor Newsom, including his social media, at

Also, if at all possible, please come to the rally at the Capitol in Sacramento on September 8 at 10 AM! They need to know that tens of thousands of Californians oppose this totalitarian bill! I hope to see you there.

Warm regards,
Lucy Cole

Carrot and Celery Salad From Registered Nutritionist Kylie McCarthy

Carrot and Celery Salad

For now, let’s pop up this lovely raw vegetarian salad to go with your choice of protein LOL.

Did you know you have a shikimate pathway? And that pathway has a pinch point. Below that pinch point is your ability to:
1/ Make 3 amino acids- Tryptophan, Phenylalanine and Tyrosine- which is a requirement in making your feel good neurotransmitter DOPAMINE.
2/ Our sense and ability to smell aromas.
3/ Our ability to see colors vividly.

Spike proteins block that pinch point- effectively inhibiting you from being able to do/create those 3 things properly.

That was 30 seconds of a 3 hr zoom meeting I attended coming out of Texas, on May 26 of this year. Since MAY 26 i have been sharing THAT program – not seen here, or anywhere publicly – with clients. I consider myself VERY blessed and lucky to also have access to this program and the information I do on a daily basis with an incredible group of intellects fighting the good fight – and give thanks for my life everyday – I really do, even in these challenging times, I know I am on the right path – the one of truth, and im feeling joy.

(FYI- i am not classing myself as an intellect- their capabilities are well beyond my scope of grasp in THIS lifetime, I am simply blessed to have access to these people of integrity of whom I can trust – literally with my life).

You need to block spike proteins from entering your cells. That’s hard considering spike proteins are everywhere and have been for sale on the internet for years.

So what can you do to prevent damage from spike proteins? You can consume foods with Shikimate.


Posting on this social media page about this has its risks- it is not where to post the truth and my time is very limited on the book, let me tell you.

The protocol also instructs how to extract shikimate so you don’t poison yourself. But for now, let’s pop up this lovely raw vegetarian salad to go with your choice of protein LOL.

There is a reason I chose to make a salad and, it is actually really yummy given it is full of hemp seeds, tahini and chives! Calcium and beta-carotene rich, full of healthy fat and alkalizing.

Power to the People – if only the people knew it!

4 large carrots
3 large celery sticks
100 grams hemp seeds
4 tablespoons tahini
Juice of 1 lemon
Handful fresh parsley
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

Put carrots and celery into the food processor and chop finely
Transfer to a large bowl
Add lemon juice
Mix thoroughly
Stir in hemp seeds, chives, parsley and tahini
Taste and add more tahini if desired
