Surprise twist in long-awaited phoenix crackdown

Government plans to finally crack down on illegal phoenix companies have been announced, including a surprise move to introduce “director identification numbers”.
OK article, sensational comment:
rnickey mouse 12 hours ago.
Lets recast the 3rd last paragraph, “Time after time we see failed government fall over and then see the identical disgraced politicians spring up as if the billions dollars of taxpayers money they lost never existed and pretend that they did nothing wrong. The attorney general does nothing to catch these criminals as they are all in the trough together”.
How about “We the people” demand that serving politicians be assigned a Politicians Identification Number (PIN) so we can black ban any member who is found to have squandered, wasted or lost OUR money. $3.2 billion per year – pah! That’s the interest bill on Wayne Swan/Joe Hockey/ScoMo’s debt for a day.