Help When You Can

I have come to the conclusion that many things in life are like the Kelloggs All Bran ad from 20 years ago, “If you eat it, you don’t need it.”

I send these little messages out and the people who would read and heed it probably don’t need it and the people who need it wouldn’t read or heed it.

But sometimes some of us need reminding from time to time so for the few who know it but need to be reminded of it, here it is!

Don’t Watch The News!


Constant negative news stories are instilling ‘learned helplessness’ in Americans

Don’t let the actions of the small minority of evil doers dull your light. Be aware of them, avoid the negative consequences of their actions as much as possible, share the truth but most importantly, continue to use your own unique creative, constrive ability to make a better world for you and others!

How Do You Bring a Forest Back to Life?


Half a millennia ago, forests covered much of the Iberian peninsula. But that soon changed. Centuries of wars and invasions, agricultural expansion and woodcutting for charcoal and shipping wiped out most of the woods and transformed places like Matamorisca, a small village in northern Spain, into degraded landscapes.

The region’s arid climate and depleted soils would be a recipe for disaster in your average reforestation program, but for the Amsterdam-based Land Life Company it’s an ideal place. “We typically operate where nature does not come back by itself,” says Jurrian Ruys, its CEO. “We go where there are rougher conditions in terms of weather, with rough or very hot summers.”

In Matamorisca, they intervened in 17 barren hectares owned by the regional government and peppered them with their signature device: a biodegradable cardboard donut they call the cocoon which can hold 25 litres of water underground to aid a seedling’s first year.

Real Life Trick Shots 2

Real Life Trick Shots 2

I didn’t get more than half way through this but the coin in the pig and the CD in the player were impressive! Seriously way too much free time on their hands!

A new study shows that students learn way more effectively from print textbooks than screens


If you have vested interest in comprehending and learning, this article is well worth a read! From the article:

Our work has revealed a significant discrepancy. Students said they preferred and performed better when reading on screens. But their actual performance tended to suffer.

For example, from our review of research done since 1992, we found that students were able to better comprehend information in print for texts that were more than a page in length. This appears to be related to the disruptive effect that scrolling has on comprehension. We were also surprised to learn that few researchers tested different levels of comprehension or documented reading time in their studies of printed and digital texts.

Protect Your Bank Deposits!

The Senate has launched an enquiry into the breakup of the banks. You can learn more on it here:

Here is my submission. Please add your voice to protect our bank deposits.

I would like to address the desirability of separating the deposit/lending activities of banks from the investment/insurance/advice activities.

I consider it mind-bogglingly unconscionable that parliamentatrians elected to represent the people should have allowed the possiblility of depositor’s funds to be stolen to support the investment activities of a commercial bank.

That the IMF should be promoting this misuse of depositor’s funds is completely wrong.

Separating the investment and deposit taking activities of the banks is the sanest guarantee that those deposits will not be used without the consent or permission of the depositors.

A corporation is by nature a risk taking venture and the rewards and losses of that venture belong primarily to the shareholders, secondarily to debenture holders. Not the depositors. Not the government. Not the public. The shareholders. Period. Anything else is a perversion of the construct of a corporation.

Providing the banks have securities against which they lend the depositor’s funds there is no honest reason at all the depositor’s funds need be placed at risk.

Depositors partake of neither risk nor reward in the investment activities of a commercial bank. No depositor I know of asks to see the commercial portfolio of a bank prior to making a deposit. That risk was not part of the explicit or implicit contract the depositor effected with the bank on depositing his funds.

The risk should lie where it naturally falls, with the alternative of reward, at the shareholder’s feet. And depositor’s funds should be completely removed from that arena.

Failure to do so is an irresponsible act of gross negligence towards depositors.

Thank you for your time.

Tom Grimshaw