Did you know that Origin Energy is proposing to frack in the Northern Territory?

Did you know that Origin Energy is proposing to frack in the Northern Territory?

With the moratorium on fracking lifted, there is now a live threat of exploration fracking kicking off in just a few months, putting land, water and communities at serious risk. We need to ramp the pressure up NOW to stop this happening!

Can you join Lock the Gate, Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network (SEED), Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) and other allies at the first #FrackOffFriday action this Friday in Sydney? https://www.facebook.com/events/2252972454766227/

With so much at risk, we are heading to Origin Energy’s Sydney office each Friday to have powerful conversations with Origin’s employees about fracking in the Northern Territory and the impacts on climate.

We will be handing out flyers to Origin Staff and engaging in meaningful conversations with staff who may be unaware or concerned about fracking and climate. Origin staff are just normal people, so as with most people we speak to when they hear about fracking in the NT, they are likely to share our concerns.

If you wish to join us this Friday the 12th we will be handing out flyers from 7.30am – 9am at the Origin Office at 100 Barangaroo Ave in Central Sydney. Can you make it?
RSVP HERE https://www.facebook.com/events/2252972454766227/

Want to learn more about the #FrackOffFriday Campaign and help get it rolling?

Join us in person at the office this Thursday 11th from 3pm – for banner making and from 6 pm for a Zoom call meeting to find out more about the campaign. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.

From 7pm – 8pm we will also be phone banking supporters about the campaigns. Please do join us and help make this campaign HUGE!

We look forward to seeing you this Friday or on Fridays to come.

Kind regards,

Jimmy and Nic.

Lock the Gate Sydney

What Will It Take!

I posted a comment recently on FB to which someone asked my opinion, was it hopeless?

This was the guts of my response. I have added slightly to it.

I am currently asking myself the all important four word question (as well as discussing it with my daughter) “What will it take?”

To get vaccines from poisoning our children.
To get fluoride out of the water.
To stop destroying farmland for coal.
To stop destroying our aquifers for gas.
To stop the sell off of our farms, electricity and other assets to foreign nationals.

All of which I consider insane.

All these non-optimum conditions occur because someone gains from them.

The conclusion I have come to is nothing happens by chance.

Everything happens because it benefits someone – follow the money.

JFK said “There are no accidents in politics.”

I can see three reasons that politicians vote for these insanities. All require that they do not look for themselves.

I. They have been fed a steady stream of lies so they believe them.

  1. They are lobbbied by representatives of donors to their reelections campaigns so are swayed in that direction.
  2. They are given or promised or otherwise stand to obtain personal gain by votring a certain way.

Since it is hard to convince a man to change his mind when his livelihood depends on him maintaining his existing point of view and donations to political parties by corporations are allowed (let alone the guy who sold the port of Darwin to the Chinese is now employed by that company at a salary of $800,000 a year) then I do not believe putting the facts in front of our elected representatives will make much difference.

I beieve it will take educating and enlightening a sufficiently large enough group of active people so that the demand to change will overwhelming. That can take a long or a little time, depending on how effective we are at communicating the necessity to upset the status quo – which most are reluctant to embrace.

So anything you can do to “foward the message” in the way of reposting what I post, signing up for my newsletter (www.tlat.net) so you have those on file and can refer to them, seaching my blog (www.tomgrimshaw.com/tomsblog) or just engaging others in conversation adds to the movement.

Government Calls For Censorship

Government Calls For Censorship

The government has proscribed a 10 year jail term for medical professionals who question vaccines. The government censors or sacks those who dispute the pseudo-science of global warmeing. They ignore the data on the destructive effects fluoride has on the body and mind. We need to be more active in holding their feet to the fire of accountability!

Demand More

Most of us go through life pretty much on automatic. We get up and do pretty much what we have done before. Which means we’ll wind up tomorrow with pretty much what we have as a result of yesterday’s efforts. I think that’s horrible!

I would like you to stop and rethink that operating basis and ask yourself if you want to have in three or four years time what we have today – a state government that appears to be a decision making rubber stamp for commercial vested interests, that does not protect the environment (Murray-Darling, CSG, coal mining over farm land, deforestation), that has gutted TAFE, slashed hospital funding (while retaining funding for useless chemotherapy and destructive fluoridation and psychotropic drugs) and done too little to fix our education crisis.

I would suggest it’s well past time that we as citizens demanded more. More of ourselves, more of our employers and more of the government!

Since Labor and Liberal/National Coalition have done nothing to fix the problem then they are part of the problem. As is our inaction on the subject! For if a population gets the government it deserves, we appear to be an ill deserving bunch!

The Shooters and Fishers and Greens have supported the government where they could have stood up and voted for what would have made a difference, so they lose me too.

I would ask you to not vote again for the same parties that have created the current messes but kick them out and elect the best independent on your ballot paper. One who will represent the people over a political party.

Demand More! Demand and vote for a better future for us all!