Kahlil Gibran, The Garden of The Prophet

“Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave
and eats a bread it does not harvest.

Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.

Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
yet submits in its awakening.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.

Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking

Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting,
only to welcome another with trumpeting again.

Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
and whose strongmen are yet in the cradle.

Pity the nation divided into fragments,
each fragment deeming itself a nation.”

― Kahlil Gibran, The Garden of The Prophet

Solid Advice

Man Up!

Some more advice, don’t let the government take your guns away. They will say it’s for your safety, It’s not, It’s for their safety. #gunrights #guns #trump2020 #maga2020 #magamemes

Late Breaking Election News!

Health Australia Party policy on EMR
Posted on May 15, 2019 by Stop Smart Meters Australia
SSMA and its members have approached a number of political parties in an effort to secure policies that reduce public exposure to the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

It seems that for the forthcoming Federal election on 18th May, the Health Australia Party (HAP) is the only party to have a policy on EMR – and a very good one at that!

If you haven’t yet cast your vote, you might like to review the HAP’s EMR Pollution policy. This is articulated in code 3.3.1 of the HAP Full Policies document available on this webpage https://www.healthaustraliaparty.com.au/about/policies/.

The current version of the policy states that:

“The HAP supports the following initiatives which are needed due to the changing electromagnetic environment in which we live.

(a) Adopting the precautionary approach regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields;

(b) Designing, building and wiring buildings so as to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields;

(c) Requiring new radiation-emitting technologies, including 5G, to be demonstrated to be safe for all members of society before their introduction to the market/rollout across Australia;

(d) Requiring the Australian standard for radiation protection (RPS3) to be updated to accommodate new research showing harmful biological effects of non-heating levels of exposure;

(e) Requiring an Australian standard for power frequency electromagnetic fields that reduces public exposure to the 4 mG associated with the doubling of childhood leukemia and classified as a Class 2B carcinogen (current exposure level is 2000 mG);

(f) Requiring all radiation-emitting devices to carry the notice: ‘This device emits radiofrequency radiation. Use with caution’;

(g) Requiring all research be undertaken by independent researchers;

(h) A public education campaign informing people about safer technology use.”

The HAP also released an ‘Official Statement on Electromagnetic Radiation & 5G’ on 27th April 2019. The link for the document is: https://www.healthaustraliaparty.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/HAP-official-statement-on-EMR-April-27-2019.pdf

The Health Australia Party is indeed worthy of your number 1 vote in the Senate.


The Way It Is

The Way It Is

This needs to change. Both Labor and liberl helped get us to where we have descended. Let’s show them how much we don’t appreciate their efforts and kick them out.

Check out some of the independents!

IMOParty and Health Australia are both solidly pro vaccine choice and anti-compulsory vaccination.

CEC are dead against the criminal bankers and thier parliamentary coconspiritors stealing your bank deposits with bail in legislation.

Liberal Democrats are for more personal freedoms than the majors.



Pay rise for politicians as penalty rates trimmed further in hospitality and retail

THIS is why we need to elect representatives of the people rather than Political Parties and their campaign donors!

Both Labor and LNP as well as the Grens can’t be trusted.

Let’s end the two main parties packing. They have landed us in the mess we are in. Clive Palmer wants to give one of the great polluters of the world the go ahead to mine coal and potentially destroy the Great Barrrier Reef. We can do better than Clive!

Check out some of the independents!

IMOParty and Health Australia are both solidly pro vaccine choice and anti-compulsory vaccination.

CEC are dead against the criminal bankers and thier parliamentary coconspiritors stealing your bank deposits with bail in legislation.

Liberl Democrats are for more personal freedoms than the majors.


Preserve Our Wildlife!

Hi Tom
Every three years, the NSW Environment Protection Authority releases a report card on the health of our wildlife, forests, rivers, ocean, air and climate. Late yesterday, it released the latest State of the Environment Report, and the results are damning.
In just three years, the number of critically endangered species has jumped 30%, approved land clearing has skyrocketed 244%, and 1025 native species are now threatened with extinction.
We know what the NSW Government needs to do to turn things around – it must end deforestation, protect koala habitat, return water to our rivers and tackle climate change – but they won’t act if we don’t push them.
As I write this email, MPs are setting priorities for this term, so it is the perfect time to tell them to take urgent action to save koalas, forests and our climate.
Please email your state MP and ask them to commit to protect our koalas, forests, rivers and climate this term of government.
With a new parliament and a new team of MPs sitting on the benches, we have a fresh chance to push our leaders to act before it’s too late.
Alarm bells have been ringing loud and clear this week, here and around the world. A few days before the EPA released its report, United Nations scientists warned one million species would become extinct if we keep trashing the planet the way we have been, with catastrophic consequences for people everywhere.
Thanks to these two reports and recent opinion polling in the run up to the state and federal elections, MPs know the environment is a top priority for the community.
On Tuesday, when Matt Kean was asked his first question in parliament as our new Environment Minister, he said the UN report was an “important wake up call for all of us”. Importantly, he said it was not too late to make a difference and “that’s exactly what I intend to do”.
Please take a moment to email your local MP now to ask them to commit to protecting our koalas, forests, rivers and climate.
People power is already helping turn the tide. Australia’s nature laws have been letting us down, allowing habitat destruction and mining interests to trump community interests and our unique wildlife. But thanks to people like you speaking up, the federal Labor Party has promised to overhaul Australia’s nature laws if elected on May 18. This is a step in the right direction and could provide significantly more protection for our wildlife and wild places.
Let’s show our MPs that the people expect urgent action to save our wildlife and natural places. Email your MP today.
Thank you for being a voice for nature,
KateCEONature Conservation Council of NSW