Fungi That ‘Eat’ Radiation Are Growing on the Walls of Chernobyl’s Ruined Nuclear Reactor

Chernobyl Fungi

Back in 1991, scientists were amazed when they made the discovery…

In the eerie environment inside the abandoned Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, researchers remotely piloting robots spotted pitch black fungi growing on the walls of the decimated No. 4 nuclear reactor and even apparently breaking down radioactive graphite from the core itself. What’s more, the fungi seemed to be growing towards sources of radiation, as if the microbes were attracted to them!

More than a decade later, University of Saskatchewan Professor Ekaterina Dadachova (then at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York) and her colleagues acquired some of the fungi and found that they grew faster in the presence of radiation compared to other fungi.

In Taos, a community of ‘voluntary anarchists’ is taking off-the-grid living to the next level

Taos House

In Taos, a community of ‘voluntary anarchists’ is taking off-the-grid living to the next level

Just a few miles from where New Mexico’s Route 64 crosses the Rio Grande, a collection of alien looking buildings stand out in the otherwise desolate landscape. These houses—79 in total—are built partially into their natural surroundings, each with a wall of windows facing directly south.

While the houses, with their rounded corners and colorful walls made of cans and bottles, may look more like spaceships than human dwellings, the opposite is true: The buildings are even called “earthships.” Located just outside of Taos, this community—known as the Greater World Earthship Community—provides full-time housing to at least 130 people. Under the name Earthship Biotecture, it also hosts an academy in partnership with Western Colorado University, an internship program, and a visitor center open to the public.

Earthship Biotecture is almost completely self-sustainable—and it wants to teach you how to live off the grid, too.

Australian astronomer wins major US science award

Lisa Kewley

Quietly tucked away in Canberra, Australia, is one of the world’s most influential astronomers right now.

Lisa Kewley has been awarded the James Craig Watson Medal by the US National Academy of Science in recognition of her work’s impact on understanding how galaxies formed and evolved over the past 12 billion years.

Her pioneering research in theoretical modelling sheds light on power sources for galaxies, what happens when they collide, the history of stars forming, and how oxygen is distributed throughout the Universe.