See The Link?

Excess Deaths US

In the US, Excess deaths peak with injectibles.

In Europe:
The country with the lowest vaccination rate has the lowest excess mortality rate and the country with the highest vaccination rate has the highest excess mortality.

Of course Reuters fact check it and say it is unproven:


‘Godfather of A.I.’ Reverses Course, Quits Google to Preach About “Dangers” of Artificial Intelligence

The “Godfather of Artificial Intelligence”, 75-year old Turing prize winner Geoffrey Hinton joins several other tech pioneers and notables in warning of the impacts of artificial intelligence.  Hinton was partially responsible for the development of the AI technology that is used by the biggest companies in the tech industry according to the New York Times.

Bad Idea

Bad Idea

After I smiled at the humour I thought, “Pretty simple really. Just extrapolate consequences and evaluate.”

I don’t know if that is on the syllabus anywhere these days but based on the number of contenders each year for the Darwin awards, I suspect not.

And when you look at the world stage and see the consequences of the US neocons poking the Russian bear via their installed Ukraine puppet and the billions of wasted dollars and lives being destroyed you realise it is not just immature boys who cannot extrapolate consequences and evaluate the results but also criminals of all ilks.

My Favorite Period in History By Jacob G. Hornberger

My favorite period of history is the United States in the years 1870-1915.  Why?  Because it is the freest period in the history of man.

Was it a libertarian panacea? Nope. There were, in fact, infringements on liberty, such as the violation of women’s rights, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1870, compulsory school-attendance laws in Massachusetts, and others.

But in terms of economic liberty, there is nothing that can match it.


No income taxation or IRS. People were free to keep everything they earned.

No welfare, including Social Security and Medicare. Charity was entirely voluntary.

No drug laws. People were free to consume, possess, or distribute whatever they wanted.

No immigration controls. Everyone was free to come to the United States.

No minimum-wage laws.

Very few economic regulations. Economic enterprise was free of governmental control.

No foreign wars, interventions, wars of aggression, coups, state-sponsored assassinations, torture, or indefinite detention.

No passports.

No Pentagon.

No enormous standing military establishment or military-industrial complex. Instead, simply a basic military force.




No foreign aid.

No foreign military bases.

No departments of education, labor, commerce, and others.

No regulatory departments or agencies.

No compulsory school-attendance laws or public-school systems (except in Massachusetts).

No Federal Reserve System.

No paper money.

No gun control.

That was, without a doubt, the most unusual society in history. It was also the most prosperous society in history. Americans had discovered the key to ending poverty. It was also the most charitable nation in history. When Americans were free to accumulate unlimited amounts of wealth, they used it to build the hospitals, museums, libraries, and charitable foundations.

Why is all this important to us? Because it shows what can be accomplished. If our American ancestors could achieve these things, then so can we. In other words, we don’t have to resign ourselves to accepting reform of the welfare-warfare state way of life that statists have foisted upon our land.

I say: Let’s make the following New Year’s resolution: Let’s reject welfare-warfare state reform, which only constitutes a warmed-over form of serfdom. Let’s instead resolve to achieve what our ancestors achieved and then build on it, with the aim of bringing into existence the freest, most prosperous, peaceful, charitable, and harmonious society in history.

Reprinted with permission from The Future of Freedom FoundationThe Best of Jacob G. Hornberger