Be There

Be There
Be There. Not in the past. Not in this morning’s disagreement. Not in last week’s loss. Not in last year’s unrealised goal. Be there in the here and now. Go for a walk. Look at the trees. I mean REALLY look at them. Lot’s of them, each one in a new unit of time.Like it’s the first tree you’ve ever seen. It will most likely be painful as one of htehardest things we do is to duplicate. If you’ve done it before you can’t possibly do it again! Bollocks. Your happiness depends on being able to dulicate.

Big Pharma Greed

Big Pharma Greed
This applies equally to vaccinations. His quote also applies to Australians too! But remember, this is the guy who woosed out on the Audit the Fed legislation. So his actions speak louder than his words that he is not to be trusted. Remember all that good stuff Barack Obummer was saying he would do before he was elected? All lies.

Antibiotic Abuse

A study across 12 countries by the World Health Organisation shows two thirds of people mistakenly believe antibiotics can cure the common cold and flu, which the WHO says is a global health crisis. WHO’s Dr Mark Springer is the Director of the Secretariat for Antimicrobial Resistance at WHO. Otago University professor Tony Kettle is leading a team of scientists trying to find new ways of treating antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.

A Two Year Old

A Two Year Old
Madden’s coming up to two. I can relate to this. Not as much as Teal can but I can still relate to it. Julie and I will be soon be doing a full weekend grandparenting while Teal and Rene go away for the weekend. Wish us luck!