Groundbreaking Study Finds Turmeric Extract Superior to Prozac for Depression

Curcumin, of course, is extremely safe, with a 2010 phase I safety study finding that oral doses as high as 8 grams a day were well tolerated.[3] Fluoxetine, on the other hand, is highly controversial due to its well-known toxicity, and its laundry list of side effects, which include suicidal ideation (not a good side effect for someone already depressed!).
Also, even though it would appear the study found that curcumin and Prozac were equivalent in effectiveness, the fact that curcumin comes “…without concurrent suicidal ideation or other psychotic disorders,” clearly proves its superiority over Prozac. There are also a wide range of additional side benefits that come with using curcumin, including its powerful neuroprotective properties. You will find no less than 109 studies on our database documenting curcumin’s ability to protect, and in some cases restore brain function. [see research here: curcumin’s neuroprotective properties]

Best Beatbox?

Just a guy.
Just a voice.
But what a guy and what a talent!

The Vitamin D Controversy
Great post – also read Patrick Moore’s comment:
“Excellent insight. Agree with your comments on Magnesium deficiencies being rampant. However, have had too much clinical success on a variety of disease conditions using high dose Vitamin D – especially for auto-immune conditions- to dismiss Lanolin-based D supplements in such a cavalier manner. But do believe Magnesium is magical and deserves more attention.” Patrick Moore, N.D.
Nothing talks as loudly as results!

Protect Our Children and the Planet – What We Do Today Affects Their Tomorrow

What We Do Today Affects Their Tomorrow
Don’t lose heart.
Hold fast to your dreams.
Remember, every action counts!
Never lose sight of that.
When you look around and see so many things wrong that you would like to right, it can seem overwhelmingly impossible.
In your own universe, when you close your eyes and see things as you would like them to be, it happens instantly, perfectly.
It can take a while to translate that to reality in the physical universe.
This discourages many people from taking action.
Don’t you be one of them.
Hold that picture in your universe.
Reinforce it.
Validate it.
Share it with others.
Get agreement on it.
Do more sharing, get more agreement.
Formulate a plan of physical universe actions required to bring the actuality of your universe into being the reality in the physical universe.
This IS how you change reality, by communicating your dream and doing the actions to change the agreements in society.
The bad guys do it via the main stream media.
They paint a picture of fear and preach the need to be protected.
They get agreement on that reality.
We need to change the common agreement to a far better reality by word of mouth, one person at a time.
And do a better job at it than the media.
Make it happen!
You do not need my or anyone else’s permission, approval or license.
This IS the power vested in you from the beginning of your creation.
This IS your power and ability – even now.
Be willing to exercise your power and ability.
Bring the actuality of your universe to a reality in the physical universe.