Re Cholesterol

Statins - Unlearn Rethink

For years I have called statins yet another of big phama’s destructive scams.

Jan 7 2023 the anti-statin campaigner, Marion Holman @holmanm, posted on Twitter: Dr Malcom Kendrick says “Moreover, consider that the Minnesota Coronary Experiment, a 4-year long RCT of a LOW-FAT diet involving 9,423 subjects, actually reported an INCREASE in MORTALITY and CVD events despite a 13% reduction in total cholesterol.”

How to Create Your Own MMS

In my 19th December newsletter I posted a link to a video interview of Dr Mark Sircus by Maria Zeee at

In it Mark mentioned the value of MMS in helping him get over Covid and the value of it in purfying the blood and gave instructions on how to make your own MMS:

Procure two food grade ingredients:
Sodium Chlorite
Hydrochloric Acid

as well as:
a shot glass
a glass Mason jar
purified water

Take the glass Mason jar and put sufficient purified water to not go over the top of the shot glass when inserted.
Put 5 ml of Sodium Chloride and 5 ml of Hydrochloric Acid in the shot glass.
Fill the shot glass nearly to the top with water.
Put the shot glass in the glass Mason jar and screw the lid closed.
The Sodium Chloride and Hydrochloric Acid will create a gas that permeates the water in the mason jar. This water is what you drink.

Best form of magnesium to take
Magnesium bicarbonate
Buy some magnesium hydroxide
Mix with carbonated water
20 minutes later, shake again

The strength or weakness of a society

The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Your Baby’s Feet

X-Ray Baby Feet

This is an X-ray of a 10-month-old pediatric patient, where you can see the importance of babies not wearing shoes for extended periods of time.

A baby’s feet are in continuous growth and formation. Even though it looks nice, shoeing a baby for extended periods of time is potentially harmful, as it takes time for a child’s bone structure to fully consolidate.

So, if we cover them with tight footwear when they’re growing, we’re potentially harming their foot development.

According to podiatrists, babies who are not yet crawling should not wear any kind of footwear for extended periods of time. To protect them from the cold put socks on them.