Thought for the day: Think Micro, Eat Many!

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: You’d need to be a full-time health researcher to keep up with all the breakthroughs in the benefits of sourcing your nutrition from as wide a range of foods as possible. So, eat many different foods to take in a wide range of micronutrients which will improve your chances of maintaining good health.
For decades food companies have been marketing false messages effectively promoting the dietary equivalent of, “Never mind the quality, taste the flavour!” Or promoting one false datum after another to forward their corporate profit agenda. Like, “Fat is bad for you, low fat is good. See, our product is low fat!” And it’s killing us. Literally.
I have done over 1300 hours research over the last three years and have learned a large number of very powerful datums with regards to health and how to keep it.
During this research one of the most important datums I relearned was first told me by a doctor over 20 years ago. He told me to eat as wide a variety of foods as possible. Boy, was he spot on the money.
Most people eat for taste. If it tastes good, we eat it. With little regard for tomorrow’s waistline or our future health. I call these people taste victims.
Some more aware people eat with an eye on their macro nutrient intake. Macro nutrients are fats, carbs, protein and fibre. While this is far better than being a taste victim, it falls short of optimal nutrition. You can still, despite eating a proper balance of fat, carbs, protein and fibre, be an appropriate weight for your height, be under nourished and building degenerative disease. It’s all about the nutrient quality!
Incredibly few of us eat for micro nutrients. Micro nutrients are traditionally defined as minerals and vitamins, of which we get far fewer in out diet than we did 50 years ago.
But micro nutrients are far more than just vitamins and minerals. Researchers are identifying a staggering number of nutrients previously unknown. I won’t bother listing them all as that would just be confusing as the names would not mean anything unless you know what they did.
But let’s just look at one, Quercetin. A quote from my book available at
Quercetin is a bioflavanoid. (Bioflavonoids are a group of plant substances with recognized antioxidant (free radical scavenging) properties and with the ability to inhibit the activity of certain enzymes which cause inflammation in the body. There are over 20,000 different bioflavonoids.) It is found in the skin of apples, citrus fruit, red onions, buckwheat, broccoli, summer squash and black tea. It has found to inhibit the ability of Rhinovirus to replicate. Rhinovirus causes the majority of colds and triggers exacerbations of asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema and bronchitis. From:
Quercetin reduces risk of heart disease by 50% and has been shown to stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. It also reduces the stickiness of platelets in the blood stream which can cause clotting and blockages in blood vessels.
Quercetin, at dosages of 1,500 to 2,000 mg daily, can often prevent allergy symptoms. It does this by stabilising the walls of the cells that contain histamine and serotonin (mast cells and basophils) and prevents the release of these chemicals. From:
So, the bottom line is, the more micronutrients you eat, the better. The wider the variety of foods you eat, the better. Hence the headline, Think Micro, Eat Many!
Eat many different foods to take in as wide a range of micronutrients as possible and improve your chances of maintaining good health.
P.S. Quercetin containing buckwheat is in many of my energy bars and slices available at
If you like this tip visit for over 400 pages of tips like this on how to live the healthiest live.

Honk Kong at Dusk

Place your cursor at the top of the photo. Look closely, you will see it is 6:10 PM. Just roll the mouse down slowly over the photo without pressing any buttons on the mouse. Do not right or left click. As your mouse rolls down, it goes darker, the lights come on and at 7:40 PM, it’s dark!

Bit of a must-read this one: Basics of the Human Immune System Prior to Introduction of Vaccines

Are Vaccines Turning Our Children’s Immune Systems Inside Out?
If you like this tip visit for over 400 pages of tips like this on how to live the healthiest live.

I know some people must think I am a conspiracy theorist

A mind has to be open to be boggled. A closed mind rejects anything outside comfortable parameters and refuses to believe it. Truth is, the biggest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. For instance, did you know that Obama’s top science advisor John Holdren advocates mass sterilizations, forced abortions and a global Police Force? Coming attractions in the political circus close to you?