This Menace Killed 50% of Rats Tested – But It's Hiding in Your Water, Air and Food

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, has recently been detected in groundwater samples (Catalonia, Spain) at such high levels that 41 percent of them exceeded the limits of quantification.
What we are now finding out — unfortunately long after hundreds of millions of pounds of the chemical have already been applied to U.S. soil — is that Roundup is proving to be a pervasive environmental threat, one that may already be poisoning a good portion of the world’s remaining natural water supply.
Groundwater feeds springs, wells and aquifers – the natural source of drinking water — and when contaminated, threatens the health of everyone who depends on it.
Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, has long claimed that Roundup is safe and environmentally friendly, but recent studies show it does not readily break down in the environment and is now contaminating our air, rain, water and food.
Glyphosate has been linked to more than 20 adverse health effects, including birth defects, infertility and cancer.
You can reduce your exposure to glyphosate-containing herbicides by avoiding genetically modified food, which are heavily contaminated with it. It’s also a wise choice to have your well or city water tested for contaminants, and install a whole-house filtration system to remove pollutants.

A quote from Wendell Berry

“People are fed by the food industry,
which pays no attention to health,
and are treated by the health industry,
which pays no attention to food.”

Google's Search Results Get a Radical Overhaul

Google’s search results are undergoing their most radical transformation ever, as a new “Search Plus Your World” format begins rolling out today. It finds both content that’s been shared with you privately along with…

Vaccinate or Boost Your Immune System?

Vaccines… The word alone gives me the shivers. Enter any doctor’s surgery or pharmacy and you’ll be prompted to get your flu shot ‘quickly, easy and at your convenience’ as soon as possible.
The fact is, that raising the convenience level for customers translates directly into raising the profit level for the pharmaceutical companies. Because, let’s face it, according to Big Pharma the target audience for these drugs is, well, just about everyone. Cha-ching.
But what’s the real cost here? What are they willing to put on the line for the good of their bottom line?
I mean, even before you get to the potential harms, we’re talking about something that could very well be completely useless. There’s no way of telling what vaccine strains will be active each season, so drug companies are literally playing a game of hit or miss. In fact, packaging inserts even make the confession. From GlaxoSmithKline’s 2011-2012 offering: “…there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.”
What will prevent illness? A strong immune system. The number one way to strengthen it? Eliminate sugar from your diet. Eating even a small amount of sugar can impair your immune system’s white blood cells by up to 50 per cent. And that effect continues for hours after you’ve eaten the sugary snack.
Simple, but true.
From a newsletter I get from Dr. Jonathan V. Wright.

Silicic Acid Chelates Aluminium From The Body

“… There are two groups of foods that provide unusually high levels of silicic acid. Thin-skinned fruits such as grapes and blueberries evaporate moisture through the epidermous, thereby concentrating the solubilized silicon within the fruit.
“And over the eons silicic acid endlessly concentrates in the oceans in the same manner as salt.
“Thus, the two food groups from which consumers can expect to elevate their blood levels of silicic acid are thin-skinned fruit and marine seafood. And the two foods for which epidemiological studies have indicated a protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease are red wine and fish.”

Getting Rid of Fluoride From the Body

Getting Rid of Fluoride From the Body
Just read a post at http://www. of how one person removed fluoride from his body. A comment was made:
Detoxification is all well and good but as the environment is not getting any better, it seems probable that the detoxified people will NOT fare well in a rapidly becoming toxic world.
It seems to me the polluted ones will actually adapt to the future environment much better than the healthy ones. Below I quote Terry Wilson – author of this website article:
“I have now been doing it for 3 years, and have felt great! I am at the point that if I drink a cup of coffee that contains fluoridated water, or eat a processed food that has fluoride, I become physically ill.“
This was my response:
I don’t know why Terry’s body reacted that way but let me set the record straight for you.
I am just listening to some recordings given in 1957 by a radiation researcher. At that time he was looking into the increasing amount of atmospheric radiation from bomb testing and the effect it was having on people’s bodies.
He found that the opposite was true. The better off a person was health wise, the more likely they would be to survive a radiation exposure.
He found that the worse off a person’s health was, the more likely they would be to succumb if exposed to a large does of radiation.
This result seems to be borne out in how the body reacts to multiple toxins too. If you take a dose of aluminium enough to kill one out of every 100 people to whom you administer it, and combine it with a doe of mercury sufficient to kill one out of every 100 people to whom you administer it, the resulting combination will kill 100 out of 100 people.
Both antioxidants and poisons are synergistic. Put them together and you get a multiplicative effect.

The Best Answer Ever to the Question What is an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.
Every time you want to make any important decision, there are two possible courses of action. You can look at the array of choices that present themselves, pick the best available option and try to make it fit. Or, you can do what the true entrepreneur does: Figure out the best conceivable option and then make it available.

Robert Kiyosaki / Mike Maloney Discuss Preparing for the Coming Crash 2012

There is a possibility, some say certainty, of an economic, financial and political storm on a scale never before seen. Depending on your prior exposure to this possibility the statements that Robert Kiyosaki discusses with Mike Maloney in this video could be absolutely jaw-dropping.
Once upon a time Robert was all about teaching people how they could get rich, but now he is talking about storing food, buying guns, investing in precious metals and preparing for the coming crash.!