You're Not Average? Then We'll Have To Drug You or Kill You

What Is Normal
You are not “normal”.
You are different. You know that.
So am I.
In fact, we are all unique.
The bits that are different to everyone else, or even most people, don’t mean we deserve to be drugged into a zombie-like state.
The only people who all have the same characteristics are dead ones.
They are all alike.
In fact they are dead similar.
Don’y buy the fact that you or your kids need drugs because you are different or because your kids loses attention in a boring classroom because the teacher does not know how to teach or because they are given the impossible task of 1 person teaching up to 35 kids, each of whom has a different learning speed.
Drugs are NOT the answer.
More teachers, better teachers, better teacher training, better teaching methods, smaller class sizes are less costly and don’t have 70 negative side effects like the average drug. Including death.
And they don’t destroy lives.
Dead bored is just a saying.
Murder and drug induced suicides are a fact.
But changing the system because it is broken would tread on too many toes.
So let’s keep doing what we have been doing.
Even though it doesn’t work.
Another solution currently being employed is to kill people whose differences fit a certain pattern. Regradless of whether or not they have committed a crime. Needless to say, being different is reason enough alone for me to be particularly unenthusiastic about this practice, let alone me being anti-dictatorships and the practice being unlawful and unconstitutional.
If you do not think a leader should be able to kill anyone he pleases, just because they fit certain criteria, might be a good idea to sign this petition.
He was 16 years old and an American citizen. He had committed no crime and was charged with no wrongdoing, but he was killed without trial or due process — by our military and the CIA.
Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi was the innocent victim of an out-of-control CIA and Pentagon “targeted killing” program. This shadowy program started by targeting those on secret “kill lists.” Then, it was expanded to target those who fit a specific “pattern of behavior” — even if their identities were unknown.
And now, outrageously, the CIA is counting “all military-age males” in specific areas as targets unless intelligence proves them innocent — after they’re dead.
Help stop this unlawful, un-American program. Tell the top lawyers at the CIA and the Pentagon to do the right thing: End illegal targeted killings

NWO Plot

Well this lays the object of the plot out in the open for all to see doesn’t it?NWO Plot

Walk Yourself Happy

Sensationally effective advice. Simple, inexpensive and, providing you stay out of the way of traffic, no 70 side effects like the anti-depressant drugs that don’t work anyway.Walk Yourself Happy

Jail The Crooks

Accurate, concise, logical and very worthy of dissemination and implementation. Jail the crooks. Media, big pharma, big agri, banking, lobbyists, government and agency officials. It’s time!
Jail The Crooks