Covid and Nursing Home Deaths — the Case for Intentional Genocide

Nursing Home COVID Genocide

A discussion of the genocidal potential for the Covid pandemic would not be complete without a hard look at its impact on the elderly. While Covid is reported to be far more dangerous for the aged, its impact on nursing home patients and the decisions leading up to the placement of Covid patients in these homes must be thoroughly dissected.

According to recent reports, somewhere between 30-50% of Covid deaths took place in nursing homes. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s much discussed decision to place Covid patients into these facilities was preceded by statements from him acknowledging the peril posed by Covid spread in these homes.

Covid and Nursing Home Deaths — the Case for Intentional Genocide

24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections

The Commons

James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at that until December 29 there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons.

They started vaccinating residents and staff December 22.

Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died. That’s an 8% mortality rate!

Yet the nursing home plans to do more vaccinations Jan. 12!

Vitamin C Might Not Be Enough To Save You

(Reposting from a friend on another soical media site.)

Historically, large doses of vitamin C could be used to protect from some of the worst adverse effects of vaccination (read Archie Kalakerinos’ book Every Second Child).

Vitamin C in large doses will make covid symptoms go away in hours and resolve the illness in a day or two.

The COVID “vaccine” they are giving has some other purpose as far as I can tell. It is injecting an RNA (the RNA in modeRNA) “device”. It is a modification of the body at the DNA level that, from the adverse effects being reported (like complete loss of platelets leading to death within days), makes its design more of a bio-weapon then a protective agent.

Vaccine science to me has been zombie science, intentionally killing and damaging our children, ever since I got a grasp on ascorbate science which obsoletes all vaccine science. Once that is clear, it seems like a waste of time to even study what they’re proposing. But here’s a document written by the zombies. Anyone faced with forced vaccination might want to read the article linked at

Reshaping your life so you’re not forced to take a vaccine may be a better choice than agreeing to this shot.

I don’t know how much protection vitamin C in large doses will provide for an RNA fragment being injected. The other vaccines are bad enough, hard for vitamin C to provide complete protection. But an RNA fragment may bypass the protective effects of high dose ascorbate. This “vaccine” seems more like a kill shot than anything else.

(Tom: Removing toxins is one thing. Vitamin C and other nutrients do that all the time. Rebuilding damaged cellular structure is a completely different ball game.)

To Win The Election Or Win The Country Back?

Had a friend of mine post revealing how disappointed he was that Trump lost but he has and it was time to move on. Been thinking about that and the articles I have been reading on Trump knowing about the election fraud from the mid-term election in 2018 and the arrangements he put in place to capture the evidence of it and the EO he wrote in 2018 on election interference from foreign sources etc. and the comment another posted about why he “let this happen” and if the Q reports are not a psyop and are to be believed how he still has options to play.

Then it hit me.

If your goal is simply to win an election, if what I read is correct, he could have done that easily. BUT THAT WOULD NOT HAVE DRAINED THE SWAMP! He would have still had the mad dog press and the opposition to his draining the swamp baying for his blood.

If your goal is to retake your country from the criminal cabal who control it, you need to play an entirely different game.

You need to collect evidence of their crimes.
You need to disseminate the truth of their crimes in an extensive PR campaign so as to garner support for your take down of them.
You need to have legal measures in place to prevent them from wiggling out of the trap. Etc., etc., etc.

So time will tell. In black and white terms…

If the Q intelligence is a psyop, then Biden steals the White House, most likely jumps ship, Kamala takes over and the US descends to communism or civil war.

If the Q intelligence is legit, Trump plays an ace or two he has up his sleeve, with the help of the military, deposes the elite cabal, imprisons a few (hundred) key traitors and the US population gets a far better government than they have had for decades!
Hoping for option two at my end!

Media Correction Time – Again!

Oops Too Soon
Rioters Posing
Firstly, the leaders of the incident at the Capital were Antifa thugs. (I have seen their pictures and also seen pictures of them on Antifa sites.)
Secondly, they had inside help. I have heard from eye witnesses that the seciurity guards opened the gates and doors and let them in.
Thirdly, Trump did NOTHING to incite them. He asked them to go home in peace and love.
Fourthly, even if someone totally misinterpreted what Trump said in person they could not have travelled from where he was to the Capitol building in time to engage in/initiate the riot.
Fifthly, if you call being totally against corruption, fascism, racism and the destruction of freedom and being unwilling to quit as “radicalised and dangerous” then you are not reading from the same dictionary as I.
Sixthly, were you equally as vehement in your condemnation of the Demonrats over their support of the truly “radicalised and dangerous” BLM and Antifa and do you endorse terrorism charges against those who supported the rioters a few months ago?
And finally, don’t for a minute believe it was not planned. Look at the time stamp on the picture. HOURS before the actual event! Very similar to the BBC announcing that Building 7 of the WTC had “collapsed” while it was till on their screen and 20 minutes PRIOR to the actual collapse, from spot fires. If you belive that I have a bridge I can sell you!

Seaweed and Depression


(Tom: The wide-ranging health benefits are the reasons I have eight sea or water vegetables in my mixes: Chlorella, Dulse, Irish Moss, Kelp, Klamath Blue-Green Algae, Modifilan, Spirulina and Wakame.)

Seaweed has grown increasingly popular in the Western diet but in addition to the food value of seaweed, several health benefits have also been reported to be present in this valuable food source. It is presumed that the unique features of the marine environment, where the seaweeds are grown, are mainly responsible for most of its properties. Among the functional effects of the seaweed, nutritional and health-related benefits have been widely studied. Compared to the terrestrial plants and animal-based foods, seaweed is rich in some health-promoting molecules and materials such as, dietary fiber, ?-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids, and vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Recently, some studies have focused on the association between diet and depressive symptoms and indicated that a healthy Japanese dietary pattern, characterized by a high intake of vegetables, mushrooms, soy products, and seaweeds, was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms. Among these food items of the traditional Japanese dietary pattern, which includes traditional sea vegetables, seaweed has been considered as a nutrient-rich dietary source of minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber. Moreover, seaweed is also a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. In a prospective study of 500 Japanese aged 20–74?years found a higher seaweed intake and a lower incidence of depressive symptoms. While in an earlier study they reported higher seaweed consumption was independently associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy

It is hypothesized that the inverse association between changes in seaweed intake and depressive symptoms may be explained by many nutrients contained in seaweed, including folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Time to eat more seaweed.

Dietary seaweed intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese adults: a prospective cohort study Feng Guo, Cong Huang, Yufei Cui, Haruki Momma, Kaijun Niu Ryoichi Nagatomi Nutrition Journal volume 18, Article number: 58 (2019).

Seaweed and depression

Got a fortnight’s food in your pantry? 6 months in better but at least get some stocked up.

Reposted from a US friend. I think it is valid advice. Based on reports from various sources the US could be in for ten days of darkness.

Withdraw some cash from the banks. Just to be safe. Credit cards may not be working at some point….banks are doing funky things.

An Australian friend asked me for some more specific advice. This is what I replied.

It was directed to US citizens but I do not know how much of our credit card processing functionality is on shore and how much is off shore and whether the off shore conniption would affect us here.

As Lee Child has Jack Reacher say, “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.”

I believe at this time there is an above average risk of having all your eggs in one basket.

I am no longer involved in financial advising but I don’t think 20% of your liquid assets in precious metals is inappropriate right now. I get mine from

If you have other places/assets you can park your money that are cash recoverable, I think that is sound.

Do a search on the internet for the Great Reset and read up on it.

Buy John Truman Wolf’s book on the coming financial crisis, read it and implement from it what you feel appropriate for your circumstances.