Crisis Planning Failure

Crisis Planning Failure

Putting aside for a moment that the scamdemic is a planned attack on our rights and freedoms and perhaps even a mass genocide, the fact that so many are in crisis is a sad indictment of personal and organisational failure to provide for an emergency.

When you look at the caliber of competence (or lack thereof) routinely turned out as products of modern parenting and our indoctrination, sorry, education system, it is not hard to see how that failure to properly educate to a high level of confront, personal ethics, personal integrity, individual competence, emotional intelligence and ability to operate within a group condemns us to collective inadequacy, whatever political label you put on the failure.

The steep downtrend started with the rise of psychiatry and their culture destroying goal of eradicating the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil as espoused by the head of the World Federation of Mental Health, Brock Chisholm in 1947 and their highly successful infiltration of all facets of our society to attain this end.

Tattoo Ink And Cancer

Tattoo Ink And Cancer

(Tom: I picked this up on Facebook.)

This is a tattoo that I have had for about six years. In December I noticed some changes in it and decided to have it looked at. Biopsy came back as a type of skin cancer. The red pigment in the tattoo called cinnabar attacked my immune system so I have to have it removed either in a series of three surgeries or one time removal with a skin graft. My point for this is make sure if you get a tattoo that you think of all of the things that can go wrong and how your body could be potentially disfigured from it. Please be aware.

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices

If you are looking for help to know what combinations of fruits and vegetables make the best remedies for various conditions then Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices What’s Missing in Your Body By: Norman W. Walker is a great resource according to my friend Bronwyn. It even has a detoxing regime for the kidneys and liver.

Drug Adverse Event Comparison

Recall how Ivermection and HCQ were banned and vilified for being unsafe treatments for COVID-19, despite DECADES of successful use elsewhere? Of course you can only rush through without adequate testing an emergency “vaccine” if there are no treatment option available but our government officials would never stoop to following a big pharma profit agenda, would they?

Drug Adverse Event Comparison

My father had a saying to which I have I have done my best to live the opposite, “Never spoil a good story by sticking to the truth.” It seems those who support the drug company agenda have taken that same expression very closely to heart and embody its principles when protecting their vested interests, as these statistics show.

Poisoned And Malnourished

Poisoned And Malnourished

Dave Rowne says:
Notice how its mostly the brain and gut they target – the two being intrinsically connected. What they want from us cannot be taken by force, they can only try to wear us down or decieve us into giving it away voluntarily. This is psychological/spiritual warfare. We can learn a lot from how our grandparents coped during wartime. Look after each other, keep our spirits high, grow your own, stick to what you know is right and NEVER, EVER . . . . EVER GIVE UP!