Vaccinated Given MAC Address

Vaccinated Given MAC Address

Dr Luis De Benito shares an advance of his report on the MAC Address phenomenon in inoculated individuals.

Dr Luis Miguel De Benito, a digestive physician with a PhD in molecular biology, presents an excerpt of the research on the mysterious MAC adresses detected in vaccinated individuals with Bluetooth applications.

It’s a brief report that he has sent to different research teams worldwide and will be released in its entirety on the 31st of this month.

In this short preview, Dr De Benito explains what he has observed and what could be the possible causes of this phenomenon.

Judge Rejects 75 Year Timeline To Release Covid Jab Data

On behalf of a client, my firm requested that the FDA produce all the data submitted by Pfizer to license its Covid-19 vaccine.  The FDA asked the Court for permission to only be required to produce at a rate of 500 pages per month, which would have taken over 75 years to produce all the documents.

I am pleased to report that a federal judge soundly rejected the FDA’s request and ordered the FDA to produce all the data at a clip of 55,000 pages per month!

Father of Novak Djokovic Speaks Out

Novak Djokovic

“My son is hostage in Australia tonight but he has never been more free.”
From now on, Novak has become the symbol and leader of the free world, the world of countries and poor and oppressed people.
My son Novak Djokovic showed that even a small heroic country like Serbia can have the greatest athlete and tennis player of all time and that the truth can no longer be hidden.
Tonight you can lock it up, tomorrow you can chain it up but the truth is like water and it always finds a way.
Novak is the Spartacus of the new world who does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy but fights for the equality of all on this planet, regardless of skin color, religious belief and money they have.
Novak has proven that you can achieve any goal if you have a dream and his dream is shared by billions of people, including children who look at him as an example.
Maybe the rich world won’t let him continue playing tennis, but in doing so, he will reveal his true face and start a much more serious match.
On one hand, there will be greedy and arrogant members of global oligarchy and on the other, a proud and free world that always believes in justice, truth, fair play and the dreams of its children. “
– Srdjan Djokovic

Noone Is Asking

Noone Is Asking

They have not been able to stop the common cold or influenza A or B in decades. Coronaviruses are not something you stamp out, they are something to which we develop herd immunity and you live with. That’s the logic. Now, the motivation was to ramp up the fear to raise compliance with ‘vaccine’ uptake (make a few bucks along the way), decimate the workforce with vaccine deaths and injuries ( read the whole article – it’s worth it I assure you!), disrupt the food chain to destabilize the economies so that was seen as the reason for societal collapse rather than the truth, they spent the money in the US and EU pension funds and there will be no bickies in the bin in 2025 so there will need to be a Global Reset so we will willingly accept the offer from the Global Elite to save us from the financial apocalypse.

That of course will come at the price of complete slavery to the system but don’t let that deter you from signing up to the New World Order where “you will own nothing and be happy” according to architect spokesperson Klaus Schwab of the WEF.

The reason why the media do not question the agenda is because they are part of it. They all signed up to the Trusted News Initiative which actively censors “vaccine misinformation” that impedes “vaccine” uptake.

And here in Australia they were “rewarded” for doing so by a complete tax break on their income! Paid for courtesy of your and my income tax! Doesn’t that just make you feel warm and fuzzy at how you are contributing to the cause?

More On What Is In The Shot

Parasitic Hepatitis

(Copied from a post on

The Trypanosoma Cruzi we learned is present in every single gene therapy injection made for the dreaded piranhavirus and all its “variants”.

It’s was Dr Robert Young who analyzed it using multiple high powered lab tools.

As soon as I saw the parasite’s name, I saw Wikped associated it with heart problems, as you may have known for several months now.

Today, a scary awareness.

While looking up jaundice to find the cause was hepatitis, I skimmed the different hepatitis forms.

Lo and behold, there’s a ‘parasitical hepatitis’. Um ..what?

And wouldn’t ya know, this Queauvid serum wonder worm is one of its causes, per Wickedpedia.

So, the link for that cause goes to a study that is only cited on Gee, is the internet afraid of that study? Then, I find out it costs $208 to read. Well, just (expletive) citing that study.

So, I searched “trypanosoma hepatitis” in Brave browser.

Read the top bit if yer eyes ain’t bad.

The analysis by Dr Robert Young:

A worthy commentary on it: