Democracy Not Plutocracy

Democracy Not Plutocracy
A major chapter in American history – rarely taught in our schools – is how ever larger corporations have moved to game, neutralize and undermine the people’s continual efforts to protect our touted democratic society. It is a fascinating story of the relentless exercise of power conceived or seized by corporations, with the strategic guidance of corporate lawyers.
Start with their birth certificate – the state charters that bring these corporate entities into existence, with limited liability for their investors. In the early 1800s, the Massachusetts legislature chartered many of the textile manufacturing companies. These charters could be renewed on good behavior, because lawmakers then viewed charters as privileges contingent on meeting the broad interests of society.
Fast forward to now. The charter can be granted online in a matter of hours; there are no renewal periods and the job is often given over to a state commission. Over the decades, corporate lobbyists have had either the legislatures or the courts grant them more privileges, immunities and concentration of power in management, rendering shareholders – their owners – increasingly powerless. The same corporate fixers work for corporations and their subsidiaries abroad to help them avoid US laws, taxes and escape disclosures.
Remarkably, the artificial creation called the “corporation” has now achieved almost all of the rights of real people under our “We the People” Constitution that never mentions the words “corporation” or “company.”
Corporations cannot vote, at least not yet; only people can. That was seen as a major lever of democratic power over corporations. So what has happened? Commercial money to politicians started weakening the influence of voters because the politicians became increasingly dependent on the corporate interests that bankrolled their campaigns. The politicians use their ever-increasing corporate cash to saturate voters with deceptive political ads, and intimidate any competitors who have far less money, but may be far better representative of the public good.
To further shatter the principle of voter sovereignty, corporations have rewarded those politicians who construct restrictive political party rules, gerrymander electoral districts and obstruct third party candidate ballot access. By concentrating political power in fewer and fewer hands, corporate influence becomes more deeply entrenched in our democratic society. Politicians quickly learn that political favors will attract more corporate campaign cash and other goodies.

The Coming Financial Crisis A Look Behind the Wizard's Curtain

The Coming Financial Crisis  A Look Behind the Wizard's Curtain
(I received this email from a friend and thought it worth sharing. I have met the author and he really DOES know his stuff.)
I talked to a friend today.
Smart Dude, but he hadn’t quite grasped this whole Bail In operation.
It’s important to know what is being planned here. Your bank account could be at risk.
So let me explain it simply.
A strategy has been devised by the Global Financial Mafia (and I use that term advisedly) to protect banks – particularly the large banks – from the financial calamity that is going to result from the explosion of the derivatives bubble.
What is the “Derivatives Bubble?”
Derivatives are essentially bets – yes, like Vegas – bets between financial institutions primarily on the direction of interest rates. One bank thinks rates are going up, the other thinks they are going down and they bet.
The bet becomes a security, like a stock or a bond.
Then people bet on those bets and others bet on the bets of the bets and the bets pyramid to….
Today, there are about $1.2 QUADRILLION dollars in derivatives on the planet. $1,200,000,000,000,000.
About $227 Trillion are held by U.S. banks. $227,000,000,000,000.
The figures are mind numbing.
Banks can use depositors money to help fund their derivatives.
We are talking fiscal insanity.
Warren Buffet has called derivatives, “Financial weapons of mass destruction.”
Sooner or later this bubble will break. Banks who made bad “bets” will suffer catastrophic losses…or will they?
With the new “Bail In Strategy” (designed by the world’s top central bank in Basel, Switzerland) banks that suffer losses and are failing can take money from depositor’s accounts and convert the money to bank stock.
You’re scratching your head now thinking, they can’t possibly take my money….
The trouble is that once you put your money in the bank, IT IS NO LONGER YOUR MONEY. It’s the bank’s money. Yes, they owe it to you. But you are an “accounts payable.” You are what’s called an “unsecured creditor.” And unsecured creditors are paid out from a failing bank after the derivatives holders – the bank itself.
How much they can take is a question, as the FDIC, in issuing a memo on this procedure for U.S. banks, specifically omitted any mention of deposit insurance. Perhaps the insurance will apply, but Bail Ins are new, have never been done here before and the FDIC did not mention insurance in their Bail In memo.
To get the full story of who is behind this and how to protect yourself, read my new book, The Coming Financial Crisis A Look Behind the Wizard’s Curtain. Print or digital.
It is written in “plain english.” Learn what is in progress and how to protect yourself.
Knowledge is power. Get some.

A Chemist Speaks Out About Vaccines

The majority in the medical profession do not know the truth.
Those who learn the truth are prohibited from speaking out about vaccine dangers. We saw just this week in Australia, three who did speak honestly are no longer permitted to practice medicine.
Perhaps this will add another piece to the jigsaw puzzle for you. While it is 100% hearsay, most of it I have heard before from other sources and know to be true.:
Thank you for sharing Shawn Dhu.
EDIT: Want to share this? Copy and paste.
My app for work was messing up today, so I pulled into a parking lot to call tech support about it. A red pickup truck pulled up next to me. The guy signals for me to put my window down. I do. He says to me “I’m assuming your ‘VAXFRE’ licence plate refers to being against vaccines, and that the Choose Life tag implies you’re Christian.” I told him they did.
His response is below. Get ready …
“I’m a retired chemist and you have no idea, well perhaps some idea, regardless of your level of knowledge, you have absolutely no idea just how bad vaccines are. Especially for boys. You see, their blood brain barriers are thinner than that of girls. Girls have a little more resistance to the effects, but not a whole lot.
Here’s just one example of the craziness surrounding vaccines — polio was on the decline BEFORE the vaccine was even created! The iron long, and those pictures of people in them, was all a huge money making scheme from the financially elite. They were a prop created to instill fear in the public so that they would inject themselves with this poison. It’s satanic.
You see, there is a monkey cell serum present in every vaccine and it’s purpose is to sterilize the male population and a side effect is the over development that occurs in females. Population control. You have no idea. There was a scientist that was studying vaccines and they found the extra ingredient hidden in there, and they were murdered for obtaining that knowledge. It’s crazy! Don’t ever get a vaccine. Ever.
Fluoride is deadly too. It was made policy as part of a big cash deal from a chemical manufacturer. The man that ended up with that briefcase full of cash is long gone, but his deal still flows through our water today. China doesn’t use it, Russia doesn’t either … that should tell you something right there … oh, and, it happens to be more dangerous for girls.
ADD, ADHD, ODD … all of those are fake. Don’t let your kids take any medications prescribed for those because they are nothing but methamphetamine’s.
100% of SIDs cases are caused by vaccines. Every last one of them. And all in the name of “science.” It’s sad.
I’d encourage you to check out a guy named Russell Blaylock. He’s a Christian, still alive but old, that has a wealth of medical and anti vaccine material available online. Google him, watch on YouTube. Stan Monteith, he went to be with the Lord a few years ago, wrote a book called “The Brotherhood of Darkness,” exposing the satanic agenda that is vaccinations. And these men, when you do find stuff from them, pay attention to the other names that pop up. A few of the other good ones escape me at the moment, but you’ll see them in the same circles, suggested videos, etc.
I just saw your license plate and had to praise you and encourage you to do even more research and to keep telling others what you’ve learned. Talking to you has put me off schedule and I need to be somewhere, otherwise I’d sit and talk some more.”
And he left.
Mind. Blown.