More data on the lies against Dr Wakefield.

About Wakefield.
You haven’t kept up with the latest on his colleague being cleared? But because you seem to cling to the idea that he was a fraud, you refuse to look at the panel who can’t refute Andrew Wakefields findings???. His finding have also been vindicated by other studies done by teams of specialists, one of them Venezuela university.

New Investigation Defends Wakefield’s Lancet Study

At the heart of the Wakefield controversy has been whether or not the children in the study were, in fact, diagnosed with non-specific colitis, or if that information had been fabricated — allegations that were largely initiated by investigative journalist Brian Deer.

Writing in the BMJ, research microbiologist David Lewis, of the National Whistleblowers Center, explains that he reviewed histopathological grading sheets by two of Dr. Wakefield’s coauthors, pathologists Amar Dhillon and Andrew Anthony, and concluded there was no fraud committed by Dr. Wakefield:
“As a research microbiologist involved with the collection and examination of colonic biopsy samples, I do not believe that Dr. Wakefield intentionally misinterpreted the grading sheets as evidence of “non-specific colitis.” Dhillon indicated “non-specific” in a box associated, in some cases, with other forms of colitis. In addition, if Anthony’s grading sheets are similar to ones he completed for the Lancet article, they suggest that he diagnosed “colitis” in a number of the children.”

In a press release, Lewis continued:
“The grading sheets and other evidence in Wakefield’s files clearly show that it is unreasonable to conclude, based on a comparison of the histological records, that Andrew Wakefield ’faked’ a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Now that these records have seen the light of day, it is time for others to stop using them for this purpose as well. False allegations of research misconduct can destroy the careers of even the most accomplished and reputable scientists overnight. It may take years for them to prove their innocence; and even then the damages are often irreparable. In cases where mistakes are made, every effort should be taken to fully restore the reputations and careers of scientists who are falsely accused of research misconduct.”

How to Raise a Healthy Child by Robert Mendelsohn

How to Raise a Healthy Child by Robert Mendelsohn
This was the recommendation from a friend on Facebook…
He toured Australia in the mid eighties,I bought his books back then raised my son’s now 35, 31 and 28 using his common sense book as a reference.
Brilliant book that every parent should have.
He called vaccinations The Medical Time Bomb and he’s not wrong….He was highly qualified and died way too young and way too healthy for my mind…..
This book I recommend to every parent.
By the way my son’s are all extremely healthy, got all childhood illnesses and are healthier because they did….immune systems are strong and their health and vitality is the envy of all their peers…