NutriBlast Testimonial

People (very) close to me have been telling me for years that I should collect video testimonials from those for whom my products have made a big difference. Well, time and opportuniy coincided last week and here’s the result:

I am stoked that Derek is getting more mileage from NutriBlast than anything alse he has tried.
What I also find very interesting is that the people he has spoken to about it in glowing terms are skeptical, even when he is not the vendor! It seems many of us have been lied to and otherwise let down so often that we are reluctant to believe anything, even from friends. Geez! To what deep depths have we fallen as a society and what a long climb up from the bottom of the hole into which we have dug ourselves.

If you would like to road test NutriBlast to see if it delivers you more energy and mental clarity, head on over to

Goat At Summit

Goat At Summit
When you get to the top the view is just spectacular!
Just remember to pack lunch.
Might be a while before you get to eat again!

Are You Keeping Score On Your Intuition?

From a newsletter by Scott Bywater.
I’m a big fan of testing and measuring. I don’t like anything that’s wishy-washy.
I like it to be proven, measurable, factual.
That’s one of the things that attracted me to direct response marketing.
And yet, I’m a big believer in the unseen, in intuition.
But only because I do this…
Whenever I get an intuition, I write it down in a book.
It doesn’t whisper.
It’s in the background.
And often, you have to take time out of the beta brainwave and move into the alpha brain wave (i.e. go and grab a coffee, go for a swim, or for a walk in the botanic gardens) for that intuition to kick in.
Anyway, you’re probably skeptical.
But here’s what I suggest you do.
Write down your intuitions in a 3 column sheet.
First column = intuition.
Second column = actioned, yes or no?
Third column = end result.
Do this and I bet you’ll find you’ve been ignoring one of the biggest goldmines accessible to you.
There’s a reason why everyone from Oprah to Donald Trump to Jim Carrey believes in it.
Got an intuition we should have a chat about growing your business?
Then go here:
All for now,
Scott Bywater

A Newsletter from Dr Al Sears…

Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
November 7, 2017
All the gorillas were dying…
Over 50 years of trying to breed gorillas in zoos and nothing was working. It didn’t matter where they tried — San Diego, Cincinnati, St. Louis — not even the best zoos in the country could get these gorillas to reproduce.
They were facing extinction.
And everyone simply accepted that it was impossible to breed gorillas in zoos.
That was until one caretaker took a closer look at what the gorillas were eating. For decades, zoos fed the gorillas what they called gorilla biscuits.
But, on top of being unable to reproduce, the gorillas were developing diseases like heart disease,1 diabetes,2 obesity3 and high blood pressure.4
In short, gorillas were not made to eat “biscuits.”
It’s a bit scary to think how you and I find ourselves in a similar situation.
I see it more and more in my clinic patients every year. People are getting sick. They’re struggling with weight, diabetes, heart disease… the list goes on and on.
And the only answer they can get from mainstream doctors is that it’s genetic.
Well I’m here to tell you, just like the gorillas, there is nothing wrong with you. You were made perfect. But the world you live in was not. And you are suffering from today’s abnormal environment.
Mainstream medicine has failed you. They can’t see that every chronic disease is connected by this one common thread that I call Syndrome Zero.
And the biggest culprit is the massive overload of starches in our industrialized, processed, grain-based Western diet. The nutrition-less, modern food supply has wrecked our metabolisms and made our body’s react in a way nature never intended.
Syndrome Zero begins with too much insulin which hijacks your metabolism into making too much fat. It robs your cells of energy. So our cells get weak and our bodies get sick.
You can take back your health and reverse Syndrome Zero, but you have to take action today.
The best step you can take right now is starting my Zero diet. A Zero diet will help return your body to its natural healthy state.
Reverse Syndrome Zero with a Zero Diet
When I work with patients, I don’t focus on lowering blood sugar. Instead, I help my patients improve insulin receptors that have been overwhelmed with a bad diet. For that, I recommend the Zero diet.
A Zero diet is moderate in protein, very high in fat and very low in carbohydrates. When you eat this way carbs don’t trigger insulin.
A Zero diet is your first line of defense against Syndrome Zero. Here are the basic guidelines:
Zero Glycemic. The glycemic index (GI) measures how the carbohydrates in foods increase your blood sugar. Foods with a high GI will spike your blood sugar. Foods with a low GI have carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing a more manageable trickle of glucose into your bloodstream. On the Zero diet you can eat as many foods with a zero rating on the GI as you want. Here are all the vegetables with a zero score:
? Eggplant ? Asparagus
? Snow peas ? Cabbage
? Artichokes ? Cucumber
? Peppers ? Cauliflower
? Spinach ? Zucchini
? Mushroom ? Celery
? Summer squash ? Lettuce
? Broccoli
Choose the right fats. Strictly avoid trans fats and vegetable oils like corn, sunflower, safflower, soy and canola. Instead, choose fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, butter, ghee and heavy cream.
I also recommend MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil for a zero diet. Your liver converts it directly into energy. My favorite is coconut oil. You can use it to make mayonnaise and salad dressings, or add it to smoothies.
Eat the right protein. Beef, shellfish, organ meats, fish, and eggs are your best sources of protein. If possible, eat grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish. Choose eggs from pastured chicken. Other good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, wild-caught salmon and other cold-water fish. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds also have plenty of protein.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. The Zero diet is your first step toward living Syndrome Zero-free, but there are many more. To discover your next steps in reversing this pandemic, watch my free video series: Syndrome Zero: The Root of All Chronic Disease. Click here to register now.

Dramatic Recovery In Parkinson’s Patient with Gluten Free Diet

You can also read Dr. Kelly Brogan’s article “This Is Your Body (and Brain) on Gluten” to get greater perspective on the topic.
Considering these factors, it is not surprising that gluten removal from the diet could result in what the title of the published case report described as a “Dramatic improvement of parkinsonian symptoms after gluten-free diet introduction in a patient with silent celiac disease.” We’ve seen similar remarkable recoveries with brain-metabolism optimizing fats like coconut oil in cases of debilitating dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
In this new case study, the 75-year-old man presented with a 1-year history of “difficulty walking, instability, and fatigability.” His neurological examination revealed:
Facial hypomimia (reduced facial expressions)
Bradykinesia (extreme slowness of movements and reflexes)
Postural instability
A brain scan was performed using Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), revealing abnormalities consistent with low dopamine production and which in combination with the clinical data lead to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. Additional laboratory blood work revealed lower than normal level of serum folate, elevated homocysteine, with normal vitamin B12 levels. To assess the possibility of asymptomatic malabsorption due to a silent celiac disease further blood screening was explored. Anti-gliadin antibodies, markedly elevated IgA, anti-transglutaminase antibodies, and positive anti-endomysial antibodies – all signs of gluten associated autoimmunity. Finally, a duodenal biopsy was performed revealing intestinal characteristics (flattened villi; crypt hyperplasia) consistent with celiac disease. As a result, the gastroenterologist prescribed a gluten-free diet.
Remarkably, after only 3 months of abstinence from gluten, the patient reported an almost complete remission of symptoms, subsequently confirmed by a neurological evaluation. 18 months later he was reexamined and was found to have improved further.
Notably, the patient did not see measurable improvements in the dopaminergic abnormalities discovered in his brain scan, which would be expected in classical Parkinson’s disease, which is marked by the degeneration of the dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra of the brain. The authors therefore did not posit that the celiac disease “caused” Parkinson’s disease in the patient, but rather that celiac disease exacerbated parkinsonism in this case. The case, however, does illustrate the possibility that a number of patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease are suffering from previously unidentified and unreported gluten-associated Parkinsonism, which from the outside clinical presentation can look identical. Those folks, who would benefit greatly from removing the cause of the neurological problems – namely, gluten/wheat removal – are often overdiagnosed and overtreated with drugs aimed at alleviating Parkinson’s disease, but which ultimately can lead to accelerated degeneration of endogenous dopamine production in the brain, enhanced neurotoxicity due to drug metabolites (e.g. 6-hydroxydopamine), and the production of dyskinesias (movement disorders) that are far worse than, or were never present within, the pre-treatment condition.