Psychiatry Ruins Creativity

Psychiatry Ruins Creativity

As renowned American writer Henry James once said, “It is art that makes life.” His words are no less true today, for indeed, artists are the individuals who dream our future and create the realities of tomorrow. True, so do engineers and businesspersons and visionaries in other fields, but by and large the futures they create revolve around our material well-being. It is the artist who lifts the spirit, makes us laugh and cry and can even shape the spiritual future of our culture. It is artists who make life.

If you fail to plan you are planning to fail!

I will lose friends over what I am about to say but it is true.
And sometimes you need a friend to tell you the unpalatable truth.

When it comes to their health, most people are irresponsible and dumb! They think nothing of their diet and health until they lose their health. They are underinformed and misinformed. They have not read my book:

I am reminded of that old line,
“If you fail to plan you are planning to fail!”

Don’t fail to plan for a healthy you in the future!

The SAD (Standard American/Australian Diet) leaves most people overweight and under-nourished.

If you eat a SAD you will definitely end up being sad!
In other words, don’t be dumb! Get smart! Change before your body gives out on you.

Today I saw a great line in a food ad:
“You can’t out-exercise a poor diet!”

Another favourite is from a personal trainer:
“Ninety percent of weight loss is in the kitchen.”

These are great memes that the data totally supports.
The amount of exercise it takes to burn off just a little over-eating is mind-boggling.

And when it comes to healthy eating, keep in mind what the ancient Greeks said,
“Bitter on the tongue, sweet on the belly.”

Or as Jack LaLanne (An American fitness and nutrition guru and motivational speaker who described himself as being a “sugarholic” and a “junk food junkie” until he was age 15.) said:
“If man made it, don’t eat it!”
“If it tastes good, spit it out.”

I mention this as a close friend of our family just had a health incident. Their immune system is close to non-existent.

My 199 ingredient nutrition powder is potentially some of the healthiest food you will ever ingest.

Depending on how healthy you eat at present (the healthier you eat, the more tolerable will be your assessment of the taste of my powder) it will taste from disgusting to mild. If it tastes foul, that’s OK. Just start with a small amount and mix it with yogurt or apple and mango juice to begin the process of repairing and rebuilding your gut microbiome.

It is formulated to deliver over 25% of the minimum daily intake requirements of over 20 vitamins and minerals with a single 10 gram serve (a rounded dessert spoon).

Or if you want to boost your immune system, try my Immune Blend. It has not 3 or 4 or even 6 but 46 ingredients:

A Letter Fom Nemonte Nenquimo On Indigenous Peoples Day

Nemonte Nenquimo

Nemonte Nenquimo is co-founder of the Indigenous-led nonprofit organization Ceibo Alliance, the first female president of the Waorani organization of Pastaza province, and one of TIME´s 100 most influential people in the world.

Today in the United States it’s Indigenous Peoples Day, and The Guardian published a very powerful letter written by Waorani leader, Nemonte Nenquimo, who was just named by TIME as one of the most influential people in the world. With so much chaos in the world– fires, a pandemic, climate change, and political unrest– Nemonte’s letter is a reminder of the choice we have to collectively organize for a more stable and sustainable future built on love, compassion and respect.

We are sharing the entire letter with you here. Please read her guiding words and share them widely. Our world can benefit from her grounded vision and leadership right now!

Dear Presidents of the nine Amazonian countries and to all world leaders that share responsibility for the plundering of our rainforest,

My name is Nemonte Nenquimo. I am a Waorani woman, a mother, and a leader of my people. The Amazon rainforest is my home. I am writing you this letter because the fires are raging still. Because the companies are spilling oil in our rivers. Because the miners are stealing gold (as they have been for 500 years), and leaving behind open pits and toxins. Because the land grabbers are cutting down primary forest so that the cattle can graze, plantations can be grown and the white man can eat. Because our elders are dying from coronavirus, while you are planning your next moves to cut up our lands to stimulate an economy that has never benefited us. Because, as Indigenous peoples, we are fighting to protect what we love— our way of life, our rivers, the animals, our forests, life on Earth— and it’s time that you listen to us.

In each of our many hundreds of different languages across the Amazon, we have a word for you— the outsider, the stranger. In my language, WaoTededo, that word is “cowori”. And it doesn’t need to be a bad word. But you have made it so. For us, the word has come to mean (and in a terrible way, your society has come to represent): the white man that knows too little for the power that he wields, and the damage that he causes.

You are probably not used to an Indigenous woman calling you ignorant and, less so, on a platform such as this one. But for Indigenous peoples it is clear: the less you know about something, the less value it has to you, and the easier it is to destroy. And by easy, I mean: guiltlessly, remorselessly, foolishly, even righteously. And this is exactly what you are doing to us as Indigenous peoples, to our rainforest territories, and ultimately to our planet’s climate.

It took us thousands of years to get to know the Amazon rainforest. To understand her ways, her secrets, to learn how to survive and thrive with her. And for my people, the Waorani, we have only known you for 70 years (we were “contacted” in the 1950s by American evangelical missionaries), but we are fast learners, and you are not as complex as the rainforest.

When you say that the oil companies have marvellous new technologies that can sip the oil from beneath our lands like hummingbirds sip nectar from a flower, we know that you are lying because we live downriver from the spills. When you say that the Amazon is not burning, we do not need satellite images to prove you wrong; we are choking on the smoke of the fruit orchards that our ancestors planted centuries ago. When you say that you are urgently looking for climate solutions, yet continue to build a world economy based on extraction and pollution, we know you are lying because we are the closest to the land, and the first to hear her cries.

I never had the chance to go to university, and become a doctor, or a lawyer, a politician, or a scientist. My elders are my teachers. The forest is my teacher. And I have learned enough (and I speak shoulder to shoulder with my indigenous brothers and sisters across the world) to know that you have lost your way, and that you are in trouble (though you don’t fully understand it yet) and that your trouble is a threat to every form of life on earth.

You forced your civilization upon us and now look where we are: global pandemic, climate crisis, species extinction, and, driving it all, widespread spiritual poverty. In all these years of taking, taking, taking from our lands, you have not had the courage, or the curiosity, or the respect to get to know us. To understand how we see, and think, and feel, and what we know about life on this earth. I won’t be able to teach you in this letter, either. But what I can say is that it has to do with thousands and thousands of years of love for this forest, for this place. Love in the deepest sense, as reverence. This forest has taught us how to walk lightly, and because we have listened, learned and defended her, she has given us everything: water, clean air, nourishment, shelter, medicines, happiness, meaning. And you are taking all this away, not just from us, but from everyone on the planet, and from future generations.

It is the early morning in the Amazon, just before first light: a time that is meant for us to share our dreams, our most potent thoughts. And so I say to all of you: the earth does not expect you to save her, she expects you to respect her. And we, as Indigenous peoples, expect the same.

  • Nemonte Nenquimo

Help Nemonte’s voice be heard. Please share her message.

Farce mask: it’s safe for only 20 minutes

(Tom: This is an article from 2003 warning on the over reliance on face masks.)

Retailers who cash in on community fears about SARS by exaggerating the health benefits of surgical masks could face fines of up to $110,000.

NSW Fair Trading Minister Reba Meagher yesterday warned that distributors and traders could be prosecuted if it was suggested the masks offered unrealistic levels of protection from the disease.

“I’m sure everyone would agree that it is un-Australian to profiteer from people’s fears and anxieties,” Ms Meagher said.

“There appears to be some debate about whether surgical masks are able to minimise the effects of SARS.”
Ms Meagher said her department would investigate any complaints about false mask claims which concerned the public.

“Penalties can range from fines of up to $22,000 for an individual or $110,000 for a corporation,” she said.
Health authorities have warned that surgical masks may not be an effective protection against the virus
“As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”

Professor Cossart said that could take as little as 15 or 20 minutes, after which the mask would need to be changed. But those warnings haven’t stopped people snapping up the masks

Microplastics in Farm Soils: A Growing Concern

Microplastics in Farm Soils: A Growing Concern

(Toms: Plastics in our farming soils is a ticking time bomb. Microplastics kill plants, kill earthworms and increase the uptake of toxins by plants.)

Researchers say that more microplastics pollution is getting into farm soil than oceans—and these tiny bits are showing up in our fruits, veggies, and bodies.

At the end of the experiment she sent her wheat plants off for analysis, and, validating previous reports, the plants grown with microplastics were more cadmium-contaminated. “The plastics really were acting as the vector for uptake of the cadmium,” she said.

Sixteen days into Kirkham’s microplastics and cadmium experiment, her plastic-treated wheat plants began to yellow and wilt. Water had been pooling on the top of the soil in the plastic treated plants, but to keep her experiment consistent, she had to give all the plants the same amount of water.

“The particulate plastic appeared to clog the soil pores, prevent aeration of the soil, and cause…the roots to die,” said Kirkham. Plants without microplastics, even the cadmium-contaminated ones, were in much better shape. “It was the plastics that were controlling the growth more than the cadmium.”

Esperanza Huerta Lwanga, a soil scientist affiliated with both Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur in Mexico, has investigated the effects of microplastics on earthworms, creatures widely considered a boon to farming because of their ability to aid decomposition, add organic nutrients to the soil through their waste castings, and increase the aeration of soil.

“When I was doing research on soil invertebrates’ distribution at different home gardens in Tabasco, Mexico, I found microplastics. And in those soils with microplastics, there were not earthworms,” Huerta Lwanga told EHN.

This observation motivated her to study earthworms directly. In her subsequent experiments, she found that worms attempted to avoid microplastics, but when the soil concentration reached 7 percent, they began to ingest them along with the soil, concentrating the plastics in their castings, and transporting them through different layers of soil. In their 2018 paper, Huerta Lwanga’s team cautioned that rainwater flows through earthworm burrows into groundwater, creating a clear conduit for microplastics to enter groundwater systems.

Huerta Lwanga also said that microplastics caused an 8 percent to 25 percent mortality rate in earthworms depending on the dose. In their paper, she and her colleagues hypothesized that mortality may be partly caused by microplastics abrading the digestive tracts of earthworms, making it more difficult for them to absorb nutrients. Damage to the digestive tracts of earthworms that ingested microplastics has been documented by other researchers.

The Down Side of Wearing Masks

Mask Fibers

(Tom: Researchers have found that when you wear a mask you are exposing yourself to particles and fibers that should not be inhaled.)

“Pulmonary fibrosis is among the worst disease that can be suffered or witnessed. It kills exceedingly slowly, by ever-thickening matrix formation, a kind of scar tissue, obstructing the alveoli and reducing their air exchange. The illness worsens over time and suffocates the victim very gradually.” No conventional or alternative treatments exist.

“Even the masks just removed from manufacturers packaging have been shown in the above photos to contain particulate and fiber that would not be optimum to inhale.”

“…the potential for inhaling mask fibres and environmental and biological debris continues on a daily basis… This should be alarming for physicians and epidemiologists knowledgable in occupational hazards.”

Human Rights Video #16: Right To Marriage & Family

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled. The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights. Hence this post and the request you share these posts so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Do you know it is a fundamental right of yours to have your own opinion? You would not think so from the way some people (including the government) try to belittle you for disagreeing with them but it is.