This Is What English Actually Sounded Like 500 Years Ago

My Name Ys Parott

It’s interesting how movies make you believe that if you time travel to the middle ages you’ll understand people perfectly. But is it true? Would you really understand an Englishman from the 16th century? Hear for yourself in the video below where a 500-year-old poem is read aloud.

Coronavirus Perspective

Coronavirus Perspective

Somebody has finally put what I have been saying all season into a post!

Guys, I’ve done Pediatrics for 8 years! Every single flu season it’s the same symptoms and the same results! I can usually tell you by assessing a child which strain of flu they’ll have before the test comes back! This year was different! The flu tests were coming back negative, but these kids were sick! They were being diagnosed with pneumonia via chest x-ray. The fevers wouldn’t break and they couldn’t stop coughing! We had several kids miss 2-3 weeks of school! We had some kids miss almost an entire month! I was one of those with a reoccurring fever! I had the worst respiratory symptoms I’ve ever had! I simply couldn’t breathe! I don’t smoke. I’m active! I’m healthy! There was no reason I shouldn’t have been able to kick whatever it was like I always have! My employees had the same symptoms! Lisa had pneumonia! I’m certain we’re late to the game!

I would be inclined to send a few samples off for a serologic test when it comes out! This test is different from the ones used to diagnose active infection. Essentially the serologic test would allow researchers to test the blood of people who were not confirmed cases of Covid-19 in communities where the virus spread. They tests would be designed to look for signs that people have mounted an immune response after being exposed to the virus.

Remember a month or so ago when people were complaining about being sick and couldn’t get rid of it for weeks?

Let’s do some critical thinking. COVID-19 started emerging in early December. Given the incubation period, that means infection started in November, and given international travel and tourism rates, it DID NOT TAKE 3+ months for it to come here. It’s been here.

I’ve had numerous friends across the country who’ve had crazy bad colds in the last few months, that we now believe were actually Coronavirus. US authorities only just started testing for it, and even now the testing is severely limited, so in all likelihood, many have had or do have it, and it’s gotten passed off as just a typical cold – because (AHEM, NEWSFLASH) it IS just a bad cold for the vast majority of people who get it.

The normal colds and flu that we’ve already been dealing with kill thousands every season – it just doesn’t get talked about because it’s nothing new and the media can’t use it to panic us at this point. It’s sad but expected that elderly and immunocompromised people are prone to complications from those viruses. This is no different.

Wash your hands, eat your vegetables, don’t touch any old people (for their safety) and calm the heck down. Panic is what’s going to crash the market. Panic is what’s going to empty stores. Panic is what’s going to lead to serious economic impacts from this – YOU are causing economic impacts – not the virus. So please, let’s act like we have some damn sense!

Author Unknown Copied from a friend

MIT biologist says fear mongering on coronavirus will go down as biggest fraud to manipulate economies

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai

MIT biologist says fear mongering on coronavirus will go down as biggest fraud to manipulate economies

(Tom: This is yet another of the “dissenting voices” that promte the building up of the natural defences of the human body rather than relying on an ever increasing array of toxic drugs, each designed to combat a single menace. Life evolves to assume different forms better equipped to counter threats to its survival. That’s why we hear that the COVID-19 has already morphed twice into a new form. That’s why each year’s flu shot is less than 10% effective – because it is combatting a morphing enemy. Do yourself a favour and opt out of the drug company/medico paradigm and research the subject until you fully duplicate how the body works in response to pathogens then, and most importantly, alter your nutrient intake, exercise regime, sleep patterns and stress levels until you are closer to an optimally functioning human being.)

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global epidemic. The virus, which originated from Whuan China, has claimed over 4,000 lives with 100,000 infected cases reported worldwide. However, some think the panic over the coronavirus is overblown and could potentially do more damage to citizens and overburden our already fragile healthcare systems.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an MIT scientist and researcher on the human immune system, is one the most respected experts who think the media and the “Deep State” are doing the world a disservice by exaggerating the impact of the virus. He said it’s time to stop scaring people and start talking about immune health.

An Obama Holdover in an Obscure Government Arm Helped Cause the Country’s Coronavirus Crisis


America was meant to have a small government under the control of the people, not the bureaucrats. The real disease is bigger than the coronavirus. It’s a fatal illness called big government. Unlike the coronavirus, it has a total mortality rate. No society that has succumbed to it has ever survived.

Is your immune system pandemic-ready?

dna 20 helix
DNA helix

A great article on steps you can take to optimise your immune system.

There is ample evidence that human immune-competence is strongly related to nutrition, physical exercise and psycho-social stress. Through much of the Western world, there is a dearth of evidence-based nutritional and lifestyle advice and recommendations being communicated to citizens. This is especially risky when there are already rogue players with inferior or ineffective products trying to capitalise on the ‘opportunity’ provided by COVID-19.

A recent systematic review on alternate COVID-19 treatment strategies in China has found that the immune response is weakened by inadequate nutrition and they are proposing that the nutritional status of patients should be assessed before any drug treatment begins.

This Superyacht Produces Hydrogen From Seawater As It Sails

Energy Observer

The world’s first self-sufficient sea vessel, Energy Observer, is due to leave her home port of Saint-Malo in Brittany, France, over the next few days on the first leg of a global voyage to test and promote renewable energy technologies.

This isn’t just any yacht though, it uses nothing but renewable energy sources to run. Specifically, it produces hydrogen from seawater with zero CO2 emissions and zero fine particles.