Pfizer Drip Feeds Data From its Pregnancy Trial


Important data on a poorly executed trial of COVID vaccines on pregnant women. All the usual flaws and deceptions and very slow, incomplete release of results.

In January 2021, in the absence of any human data in pregnancy, the CDC stated on its website that mRNA vaccines were “unlikely to pose a specific risk for people who are pregnant.”

Former CDC director Rochelle Walensky backed it up with a full-throated endorsement of covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy.

“There is no bad time to get vaccinated,” said Walensky.

“Get vaccinated while you’re thinking about having a baby, while you’re pregnant with your baby or after you’ve delivered your baby,” she added.

Behind the scenes however, Pfizer was scrambling to conduct a clinical trial of its vaccine in pregnant women.

By February 2022, Pfizer revealed it still did “not yet have a complete data set.” Its statement read:
“The environment changed during 2021 and by September 2021, COVID-19 vaccines were recommended by applicable recommending bodies (e.g., ACIP in the U.S.) for pregnant women in all participating/planned countries, and as a result the enrollment rate declined significantly.”

This month, Pfizer finally posted some trial results on

The data do not appear in a peer-reviewed journal or a pre-print, nor has it been submitted to the FDA for evaluation.

I spoke with experts who have analysed the data with a fine-toothed comb and made some alarming observations.

Trial design

Pfizer originally planned to recruit 4,000 healthy women aged 18 or older who were 24 to 34 weeks pregnant. Half would be randomised to the vaccine and the other half to a saline placebo.

The efficacy and safety of the vaccine would be determined by assessing covid-19 cases, antibody responses, and adverse events.

Peculiarly, Pfizer planned to vaccinate all the mothers in the placebo group, one month after giving birth to their babies.

Retsef Levi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management said that vaccinating mothers in the placebo group during the assessment period would introduce a new variable into the experiment and “corrupt” the data.

“We now know that mRNA from the vaccine is detected in the breast milk, so those babies born from mothers who were all vaccinated after giving birth, are also potentially exposed to mRNA through breastfeeding,” explained Levi.

“This corrupts the comparison of the two groups of babies because you don’t have a true control group anymore,” he added.

Sample size too small

Less than 10 percent of the originally planned 4,000 study participants ended up in the trial.

“Only 348 women were recruited – 174 in each arm – meaning that the trial was never going to have the statistical power, particularly when analysing potential harms,” said Levi.

Notably, study protocols indicate that Pfizer was given the green light as early as May 2021 by drug regulators to scale back the trial and reduce the sample size.

“To me, the wording in the protocol suggests that the FDA or another regulator basically gave Pfizer permission to do less,” remarked Levi.

“It’s not surprising though. The vaccine had already been recommended for pregnant women and many have taken it, so there is no upside to completing a trial that may detect signals of potential harms. It can only create problems for them, right?” he added.

Given that pregnant women were being vaccinated with a product that had not undergone rigorous safety testing in pregnancy, the FDA was asked if and why it allowed Pfizer to scale back the trial.

The FDA replied, “As a general matter, FDA does not comment on interactions it may or may not be having with sponsors about their clinical trials.”

Angela Spelsberg, an epidemiologist and medical director at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Aachen in Germany agreed that the integrity of the study had been compromised.

“There are just not enough babies in this trial to detect rare or very rare adverse events. We learned from studies in animals that lipid nanoparticles in the vaccine can deposit in many organs including the ovaries, so we must be extremely cautious about the potential negative impacts of the vaccine on reproductive health,” said Spelsberg.

“The scientific community urgently needs access to the pregnancy study data on the patient level for transparency and independent scrutiny of vaccine safety and efficacy because regulatory oversight is failing,” she added.

Exclusion criteria

The small sample size may have been the result of the strict selection process.

Pfizer recruited participants with an impeccable pregnancy history, and most were in their third trimester (27-34 weeks gestation), a stage when the baby’s major development has already occurred.

“It appears that they cherry picked the mothers to get the best results,” said Levi. “We have no idea what impact this vaccine has on the early stages of development of an embryo or foetus, because all the women had advanced pregnancies when they were recruited.”

Spelsberg agreed.

“The first trimester is particularly vulnerable to adverse reproductive health outcomes,” she said.

“Based on only weak observational evidence, regulators have reassured the public that the vaccines are safe throughout pregnancy. However, we don’t have reliable evidence on the vaccine’s impact on miscarriages, malformation, foetal deaths, and maternal health risks because they excluded pregnant women from pivotal trials,” added Spelsberg.

Missing data

Levi also noticed that “only partial data” were published.

“It doesn’t include any important metrics such as covid infections or antibody levels and its says we must wait until July 2024 for those results. It’s disturbing to say the least,” said Levi.

Also missing from the dataset was a full account of birth outcomes. Of the 348 women in the trial, Pfizer only reported on the birth of 335 live babies.

Of the 13 pregnancies unaccounted for, Pfizer reported one foetal death (stillbirth) in the vaccine group and the outcome of the other 12 pregnancies remains unknown.

“This is unacceptable,” said Levi. “Failing to report the outcome of 12 pregnancies could mask a potentially concerning signal of the vaccine in pregnancy. What happened to the babies, did they all die? Were their mothers vaccinated or unvaccinated?”

Trial dropouts

Finally, there were quite a few babies that were lost to follow-up in the trial.

“Twenty-nine babies in the placebo arm didn’t get to the end of the 6-month surveillance period, versus 15 babies in the vaccine arm. That’s almost double.

Again, this is concerning and requires a detailed and transparent explanation,” said Levi.

Overall, both Levi and Spelsberg say the delays and failure to disclose vital data are unacceptable.

“Pfizer took a year to publish the data. When they finally did, it is incomplete. And we are expected to wait until July 2024 for the next batch of results, while authorities continue to recommend the vaccine in pregnant women,” said Levi.

“We still don’t have solid scientific evidence whether this vaccine is safe for pregnant women and their babies,” said Spelsberg. “It’s a tragedy and a scandal that vaccine use has been recommended, even mandated to women before, during and after pregnancy.”

Questions were put to Pfizer, but the company did not respond by the deadline.

Moderna is also conducting a clinical trial of its mRNA vaccine in pregnancy, but no data are available.

Article by Maryanne Demasi, relayed from Rational Ground substack

Be Brave

Be Brave

I find a lot of truth in this. Once you become experienced, competent and skilled at something it is very easy to have reluctance to start something brand new. You have to confront being a complete newbie with all that entails – lots of trying, lots of failing, lots of work to improve your skills, lack of validation compared to efforts in your comfort zone.

It is far, far easier and less stressful to stay in your comfort zone. But that is not where the growth lies.

Building CBDC

Building CBDC

From Glenn Glazier, this commentary on CBDC, a thorough wrap-up of recent history:
“Okay, granted that Government purposely suppressed safe, effective, and inexpensive Covid treatments unavailable throughout most of the Covid Pandemic . . . .
. . . . and okay, granted that Government locked down small businesses during Covid but allowed Big businesses to remain open, thus facilitating in the most massive transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the Upper Class in human history,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government during Covid arrested people walking alone in parks without masks but allowed people to mass riot in the streets during the BLM riots (that resulted in murders, assaults, and untold $Tens of Millions in property damage),
. . . . and okay, granted that Government forced people to wear masks during the Covid Pandemic even though masks are useless,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government CREATED the virus that caused this Pandemic in the first place,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government does far more damage to the environment in the purchase of oil from foreign countries with little-to-NO environmental protection laws in place for drilling oil,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government will ultimately do more damage to the environment in the production of Electric Vehicles than gas-powered vehicles could ever do,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government has LIED to us about the entire premise of the burning of fossil fuels and the subsequent release of CO2 as the cause of global temperature changes, given that just a mere 40, 50 years ago Gov’t was warning us about the impending Ice Age that’ll wipe us out,
. . . . and okay, granted that even if CO2 is the culprit behind Climate Change –– it isn’t, but for the sake of argument, let’s assume it is –– Government released into the atmosphere far more CO2 into the atmosphere than we ever will when Biden blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, and they released for more CO2 and pollutants (and killed more people) via the massive fires throughout the Western World, caused by the Nature Nazis blocking land upkeep to prevent these fires, and any cutbacks we are forced into does nothing to the environmental given the pollution emitted from China and India,
. . . . and okay, granted that the amount of debt added to the U.S.’s National Debt under Joe Biden –– not the total U.S. debt, but just what Biden alone has added –– is equivalent to spending $8 Million per day, every single day, from the birth of Jesus until now,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government spends more in the U.S. than any nation worldwide on Education, only for our graduating students to be some of the least knowledgeable people on the planet, to the point of even embarrassing North Koreans who defected from that Police State,
. . . . and okay, granted that nations that engaged in Communist, Socialist, Police State, censorship-driven, freedom-of-speech-driven Governments have never once in human history been good for the citizens of said nations,
. . . . and okay, granted that the Biden Government has allowed Millions and Millions of undocumented, unvetted illegals to flood into our country –– not knowing their Covid status, without knowing if they’re street criminals, drug traffickers, child-sex traffickers, or America-hating terrorists –– all whilst suppressing and punishing Americans who dare to speak out,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government worked in coordination with Big Pharma to *POISON* nearly an entire World Population with an experimental mRNA gene therapy that was untested, and thus technically illegal, given rolling out the vax invoking the EUA (Emergency Use Authoritization Act) is illegal if there are existing therapeutics on the market, and we DID have safe & effective Covid treatments –– Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine,
. . . . and okay, granted that Government forced upon us (during the planned “Pandemic”) a mail-in ballots mechanism which saw anomalies in voter distribution never seen before in U.S. elections,
. . . . and okay, granted that U.S. Governments have sponsored a U.S. Food Pyramid which is literally the exact OPPOSITE of what we should be eating, a food paradigm that has resulted in 65% of Americans at present living with some form of metabolic disease, and note that co-morbidities was the cause of deaths in nearly 90% of Covid deaths,
. . . . and okay, granted that Governments are collaborating with the World Economic Forum to take away ALL private ownership of property; take away ALL choice in school education; take away ALL choice in food consumption choices, forcing us to eat bugs and synthetic meats –– oh, except for those in Government and those at the WEF, who will continue to eat their seafood, their steaks, their hamburgers, their cheeses, etc. –– take away ALL of our freedoms of protest, speech, and assembly; take away ALL of our ability to purchase the homes of our choosing, and the vehicles of our choosing . . .
. . . . I’m sure this nation’s switch over to Digital Currency, where the Government oversees, and has control over, literally every penny of every purchase all American citizens make, I’m sure this won’t be bad for the average American citizen . . . . . right????”

Have your say on the Vaccine Indemnity Bill

Senator Ralph Babet writes:
It has been a big few weeks in Canberra. I returned home a few days ago and have just found a moment to sit down and reflect on everything we have achieved.
I successfully introduced to the Senate our Vaccine Indemnity Bill. This bill seeks to prevent the finance minister from granting indemnity to vaccine manufacturers. Introducing this bill was not easy, but we were able to secure the support of the Coalition, Greens and all crossbenchers to refer our bill to a Senate Committee for review. CLICK HERE to download Frequently Asked Questions.
The great thing about this committee process is that you will be able to have your say on the bill and put in a submission. This submission does not need to be a novel, it can be as simple as your personal thoughts and opinions. 
My bill is open to public submissions for the next six weeks, so please share this far and wide, we need as many submissions as possible. Click the button below to make a submission.

Evidence of Intent by U.S. Gov to Cause Harm With Vax Bio-Weapon. Laura Logan, Sasha Latypova

Sasha Vlad Glen Lara

The US Department of Defense is Being Exposed For Perpetrating the Covid-Crime Against Humanity

Here is the entire Team Enigma interview with Lara Logan and Sasha Latypova. The evidence is showing that this whole thing has been a charade. It is performance art to convince the public to roll up their sleeves and accept the Abomination-Shot.

This explains why nothing in this clown-show has made any sense. It’s the greatest War Crime ever committed against the population of the WORLD, and Patriots cannot rest until these sociopaths have been brought to JUSTICE. One way, or the other.