Why Avoid Vaccines
Internet vs TV
It Was Not Science
And 100% LIES. All. Of. It. Here’s the official story and the truth.
Covid Data – The Official Story vs The Truth
Become So Absolutely Free
Three Kinds Of Men
10 Odd Medication Facts
1. The osteoporosis medication Fosamax (and others like it) were designed to trick a bone density scan, by keeping dead bone in the bone matrix. Dead bone is supposed to float away in the blood but Fosamax forces the dead bone to stay. This weakens the bones until the bone often disintegrates into dust, most often happening in the hip or jaw. The class action law suits against Fosamax and other drugs like it are massive because of this medical fraud. Click here.
2. All pain medications increase heart attack risk because pain killers shut off nerve communication in the body (so you can’t feel the pain) but unfortunately the heart and brain also need nerve communication to operate. Pain killers can stop this communication, causing an instant heart attack. Click here.
3. Birth control pills were first tried on both men and women. In the male group, the scrotum and gonads both shrunk in test subjects, so the idea was cancelled. Some in the female group died, so the dose was readjusted. Only males were in charge of this experiment. The medical doctor at this added link goes into great detail about how the birth control pill is designed to remove women, across many different fronts.
4. Statin drugs stop the liver from producing cholesterol and cholesterol is used in the body to make other compounds, one of which is co-enzyme Q-10. C Q10 is needed to contract muscles. Many fatalities have occurred when people driving cars (and taking statin drugs) were no longer able to contract their leg muscles to work the brake or gas pedals and drove off the road, killing themselves or others. Click here.
5. Beta blockers (given for high blood pressure) are designed to make sure the heart doesn’t beat too fast. People on these medications should not exercise vigorously because a higher heart rate is needed to oxygenate working muscles and remove waste from energy production. With the heart being blocked from beating fast when exercising (by the beta blocker), a host of emergency situations can occur. Click here.
6. A leading side effect of anti depressants is increased depression and suicidal thoughts. 50% of people prescribed anti depressants stop taking them within 3 months, simply because they’re too toxic and the side effects too severe. Watch any of the 7 documentaries on the page, at this added link. Click here.
7. The average weight gain with antidepressants is 40lbs in a year. Weight gain above 100lbs has been recorded in patients taking antidepressants, over a 12 month period. When the body is toxic, it increases hormones that increase fat gain and water retention, in order to dilute toxic concentrations. Anything that makes you gain weight, means your body is being poisoned. The greater the weight gain, the more powerful the poison. Watch any of the 7 documentaries on the page, at this added link. Click here.
8. Heart burn medications for GERD (acid reflux) block the stomach’s production of hydrochloric acid, which in turn doesn’t allow food to digest properly. This leads to fatigue and a general energy crisis in the body, which leads to more disease because the body can’t effectively extract the energy and nutrition from food without the proper concentrations of stomach acid. There’s lots more unhealthy effects to this useless medication. Click here. GERD is directly connected to eating things you should never be eating in the first place.
9. Over the counter antacids, like Rolaids and Tums, contain dangerously high levels of aluminum proven to cause toxic effects, many of which are in the brain and neurological system. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MD, MS. ALS…all related. Click here.
10. Anti-biotics destroy the intestinal gut flora in the body, which are proven to actually organize and run the body’s immune system. Biotic means “life” in Latin so antibiotic literally means “anti life“. Antibiotics kill many beneficial metabolic functions inside the body. When antibiotics destroy the beneficial gut bacteria, as well as other overgrown negative gut flora, this often leads to long term dysfunction in immunity. This is way most people taking antibiotics, continue with recurring infections at regular intervals throughout the year. Click here. Doctors don’t get paid if you get healthy. Doctors get paid if you stay sick. Always remember the monetary incentives driving the medical system.
Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse
I’ve read that it would take one person reading 200 words per minute, 8 hours a day, 365 days a year… over 30,000 years to read the laws and regulations on the books in the US today.
Tattoo Ink In Lymph Node
One reason to not get inked!