A Natural Alternative to Prozac?

Bet your doctor doesn’t know this!
(No drug rep is paid to spread this data.)
There is a prescription-strength dose of natural serotonin available from a large handful of cashews.

Occupy your body!

Take back ownership and control of it from Big Pharma, Big Farmer and the TV.
Get the fluoride, processed foods, sugar and artificial additives out of your diet.
Broaden the range and variety of nutrient dense foods you eat.
Give it some interval training for 12 minutes a day.
Claim wellness and good health as your inalienable right.
More power to you!

Big Food’s Co-Optation of Nutrition Professionals

For years now, I have been hearing about the food industry’s influence on the annual conference of the American Dietetic Association — the nation’s largest gathering of nutrition professionals–with some 7,000 registered dietitians in attendance. Last month, I witnessed it for myself and discovered the corporate takeover by Big Food was worse than I even imagined.
The top-paying sponsors, whom ADA called “partners,” were Coca-Cola, Aramark, the National Dairy Council, and Hershey (their “Center for Health and Nutrition” – really). “Premier sponsors” included PepsiCo, Mars, and General Mills.
The exhibit hall seemed more like a processed food trade show than a nutrition conference. I saw very few booths with actual information, apart from that being peddled by the likes of Nestle, Kraft, and McDonald’s, along with (of course), ubiquitous product samples, tastings, and myriad swag. (Oddly, Monsanto’s booth featured its branded, soy-based lip balm.)
But the worst cooptation came during the “educational sessions,” which should have been off limits to marketing. Numerous panels were hosted by industry players, including, “Dairy Innovations,” brought to you by (surprise!) the National Dairy Council, which also hosted a media-only session, as did others.
“Culinary” demos were offered by cooking experts such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Hershey, and McNeil (maker of the fake sugar, Splenda). For attending several “Expo Impact Sessions,” described by ADA as “scientific and evidenced-based,” RDs could even earn continuing educational units. Who better to teach, “Are Sugars Toxic: What’s Wrong with Current Research?” than the Corn Refiners Association? I attended a silly session called “Snacking and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines” brought to me by the largest snacking experts in the nation, Frito-Lay, who also had a huge booth touting their deceptively-labeled “natural” products, nearby the monstrous booth hosted by parent company PepsiCo.

Sodium/Potassium Ratio

A 15 year study showed:
Higher sodium intake was associated with an increase in mortality from all causes.

Higher potassium intake was associated with a lower mortality risk: people with the highest potassium intake had a 61% lower risk of dying from all types of cardiovascular disease and a 74% lower chance of dying from ischemic heart disease (heart disease caused by impaired blood flow, usually a result of atherosclerosis) compared with people with the lowest intake.

Having higher sodium-to-potassium ratios significantly increased the risk of mortality from heart disease. For ischemic heart disease, the risk was more than two times greater among people with the highest sodium-to-potassium ratio than in those with the lowest ratio.

How To Recover Lost Desktop Icons

It happens to me often that Windows loses all the icons on my desktop. They normally reappear after a reboot but sometimes not. I found out today that if you right click a blank area of the desktop there is a menu option there [Arrange Desktop Icons\Show desktop icons] What a find!