Vaccines – Two Very Simple Tests

A (slightly edited) note from Stephanie Messenger.
People often tell me it is so confusing to sort through all the science on vaccines.
So just focus on the two principle points the government is saying in favour of vaccines – that they are safe and effective.
The dictionary says safe means ‘free from harm’.
So why is there a product insert listing many conditions the vaccine caused during the trial process?
Why has the USA vax compensation fund paid out close to 4 BILLION $$$?
So that is an easy one. Vaccines are not safe.
Let’s now look at effective.
The dictionary says “acquire the desired result’.
For parents that means your child will not get the disease. The drug company’s definition is – a high antibody response was achieved.
Now here is the most important thing – THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE THAT AN ELEVATED ANTIBODY RESPONSE EQUATES TO IMMUNITY. If you don’t agree please find the scientific research to prove that wrong.
Aside from that, there are outbreaks of diseases in the fully vaccinated so that is in itself proof.
How about stopping making this harder than it is and just focus on the above two issues – safety and effectiveness.
You owe it to your children to research – they are depending on you to keep them safe and trusting you will do what is best for them.
You can go to my website to order a free vaccination pack sent in the post (Australia only)

Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly

Vaccine Pusher
An important and definitive “mainstream” government study done nearly a decade ago got little attention because the science came down on the wrong side. It found that after decades and billions of dollars spent promoting flu shots for the elderly, the mass vaccination program did not result in saving lives. In fact, the death rate among the elderly increased substantially.

How Vitamin D Stops Cancer Stem Cells

Cancer Stem Cell Nutrients
Roughly 10,000 cancer cells are generated by the body every single day (7). One of the most common factors contributing to the ability for these cancer stem cells to proliferate and invade new tissue is vitamin D3 deficiency. There are a variety of influences that have resulted in vitamin D being one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in our society today, which has only fueled the growth of cancer as the nemesis of our time.

Mosqioto Bites

This weekend we saw out first fly and mosquito of the season.
If you are the “mosquitoes always seem to bite me” type, take 100 mg of B1 (thiamin) every day. Within two weeks, you should start noticing a decrease in the amount of times you’re uncomfortably smacking these pests away from your body.
If taking thiamine doesn’t work for you, try this all natural mosquito repellent recipe to help you avoid having to use chemical warfare on your body as a repellent.
All Natural Mosquito Repellent
Tea tree oil
Lavender oil
Witch hazel
Cooled boiled water
Fill an 8oz. spray bottle halfway with boiled water (allow it to cool down first!)
Add ½ tsp of witch hazel
Add 15 drops of tea tree oil
Add 15 drops of lavender oil
Use as needed


In the United States, facts, an important element of truth, are not important. They are not important in the media, politics, universities, historical explanations, or the courtroom. Non-factual explanations of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings are served up as the official explanation. Facts have been politicized, emotionalized, weaponized and simply ignored. As David Irving has shown, Anglo-American histories of World War 2 are, for the most part, feel-good histories, as are “civil war” histories as Thomas DiLorenzo and others have demonstrated. Of course, they are feel good only for the victors. Their emotional purpose means that inconvenient facts are unpalatable and ignored.


Whilst most people are under the impression that electroshock therapy (ECT) is banned in Australia because the mere idea of electroshock is so abhorrent, its use has significantly increased and it is being used on the most vulnerable in society, children and the elderly.

Electroshock is the application of hundreds of volts of electricity to the brain. It can cause severe and permanent memory loss, brain damage, suicide, cardiovascular complications, intellectual impairment and even death.
The figures below indicate the Australian increases for the numbers of Medicare funded electroshock “treatments”:
2007 2016 % Increase
Australia: 18,183 33,641 85%
NSW: 4,936 8,039 63%
Vic: 4,895 8,639 76%
Qld: 4,852 9,274 91%
SA: 1,163 2,487 114%
WA: 1,457 4,242 191%
In W.A. its use is banned for under 14 year olds, in A.C.T. it is banned for those under 12 years of age – in NSW and other states there are NO restrictions on what age ECT can be given. For example: In 2013/14 there were 134 electroshocks given to Victorian children aged 10-19 and in Qld in 2014/15 there were 23 treatments given to children aged 10-15.
This barbaric practice continues on Australian children despite the World Health Organisation stating, “There are no indications for the use of ECT on minors, and hence this should be prohibited through legislation.” In March 2017, India correctly banned the use of ECT for all children under 18.
Parents need to be able to consent to their child’s medical treatment. However various state mental health acts allow for a child to be detained in a psychiatric hospital and given electroshock without their parents’ consent including at a Tribunal who give final approval, a denial of parental rights and a violation of basic human rights.
If there are no safeguards (bans) in the law regarding vulnerable children, they are denied the protection they deserve. Electroshock never addresses the cause of a child’s problem and offers no cure.
CCHR has campaigned for many years against the use of electroshock. Please help end this torturous psychiatric practice. Contact your local Member of Parliament no matter which state you live in and ask them to take action to amend your state’s mental health act to immediately ban the use of electroshock on children under 18, pregnant women and the elderly.
If you live in NSW we invite you to print off, sign and return our petition to ban this destructive practice at:
For further information on electroshock, read CCHR’s information sheet: “Brain Damaging Effects of Electroshock: the Facts”
Use the electroconvulsive therapy Medicare Item code (14224) to obtain Medicare Statistics using this link:
Medicare Item Code for electroconvulsive therapy (14224) can be found here: