Peer Reviewed: Vaccine trial data shows a negative benefit to harm ratio

Put simply, both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccine trial data appeared to have a negative benefit/harm ratio. I suspected that such a finding wouldn’t find its way into a peer-reviewed journal, but as of yesterday, that’s exactly what happened. Below is one of the key findings from the paper.

Quick jargon translation, an AESI is an ‘adverse event of special interest’, which comes from a “priority list of potential adverse events of special interest relevant to COVID-19 vaccine trials.” More simply, they are serious adverse events which we should be paying very close attention to with regard to the Covid-19 vaccines.

Serious Adverse Events are defined as “death; life-threatening at the time of the event; inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization; persistent or significant disability/incapacity; a congenital anomaly/birth defect; medically important event, based on medical judgment.”

In the Moderna trial, the excess risk of serious AESIs (15.1 per 10,000 participants) was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group (6.4 per 10,000 participants).

In the Pfizer trial, the excess risk of serious AESIs (10.1 per 10,000) was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group (2.3 per 10,000 participants).

It’s worth reading that twice. A discussion won’t happen unless we break the ice, so please do share this post. If you disagree with the paper’s findings, now’s the time to publicly show why their methods and data are incorrect.

Why Government Health Care Kills More People Than It Helps

After botching the COVID response in every possible and improbable way, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now wants more money — and more power.

  • August 17, 2022, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky publicly admitted the agency’s COVID response “fell short,” and that an internal reorganization has been launched to improve response times and data sharing, and to make health guidance easier to understand. Six days before this announcement, the CDC published updated COVID guidance, now matching what “misinformation spreaders” have called for all along
  • The vow to revamp fails to take into account the real reasons why people no longer trust the CDC, namely their dishonesty, their suppression of science that doesn’t fit the Great Reset narrative, and their protection of Big Pharma at the expense of American lives, including children and pregnant women
  • Despite widespread failures and blatant corruption within the CDC, the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration, the Health and Human Services’ (HHS) is asking for a bigger budget. Its proposed budget for 2023 is $1.7 TRILLION in mandatory spending and another $127.3 BILLION in discretionary spending
  • Of those budgeted trillions, the CDC will in 2023 receive about 1% of the HHS budget, or $10.6 billion — $2.3 billion more than its 2022 appropriation — and this includes “mandatory funding to establish a Vaccines for Adults program”
  • The CDC being wrong on everything about the pandemic — and taking two and a half years to admit even a fraction of it — is proof positive that centralizing health care decisions is a bad idea. Ideally, all that HHS money should be divided among the states. We’d be far better off with local community programs handling current HHS services — including pandemic response

The COVID Inquiry 2.0

Jason Gillespie

A friend whose opinion I respect writes:

This is worth watching, sharing and bookmarking. In my opinion, of everything I have heard, Julian Gillespie & Co have the greatest likelihood of actually bringing to justice the majority of those responsible for many aspects of the Covid debacle.

Please watch and share.

I’ve just watched the whole segment of Julian Gillespie speaking at the Covid Inquiry 2.0.

I have been involved in various ways in more legal issues than the average person and I like to think that my understanding of the system is better than most. Of all the talk that is occurring on the subject of Covid at the moment, in my opinion, what Julian Gillespie & Co are doing has the greatest likelihood of actually:



I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that EVERYONE watch this segment and bookmark it for later reference.

I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you pass this link on to EVERYONE and ANYONE who has received one of these “injectables”, regardless of whether they have had an adverse reaction or not.

Studies Show Fertility Rates Plummet Worldwide Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Taiwan Birth Rate Drop

A presentation recently made by Dr. Christof Plothe, a German Doctor of Osteopathy who is also a member of the World Council for Health, reveals the most startling evidence yet that COVID vaccines are causing massive cases of infertility, not just among women, but men also. Combined with the record volume of deaths and disabilities among the COVID-19 vaccinated, the future implications of what this vaccine has done to the human population and labor pool, is almost unfathomable. This information is NOT being reported in the corporate media, and to reference it is to be labeled as someone providing “disinformation” by most.

Massive 2022 Worldwide Die-Off – All Cause Mortality Graph Spikes

All Cause Mortality Graph Spikes

(Tom: I am a big one for statistics, especially the ones harder to fudge, like all cause mortality. Since the vaccine was first mooted I have read  medical experts predicting a huge rise in post-jab deaths from non-Covid related causes due to the fact that the mRNA vaccine destroys the immune system which sets the body up to be killed any number of ways. And while almost every day we see anecdotal evidence of this – doctors and athletes dying in far greater numbers than before – individual instances like this are all too easily dismissed by the vaccine advocates and too few autopsies are done to refute their pooh poohing. On the other hand, all cause mortality is damning and incontrovertible evidence of harm.)

We are seeing some very concerning death trends ever since the vaccines rolled out in December 2020. This report will highlight some of the countries with the most major death spikes into 2022.

Doctors Discover Graphene Is Transmitted From The COVID Vaccinated To The Unvaccinated, Destroying Blood Cells & Causing Blood Clots

(Tom: Uh oh! This is news I definitely did NOT want to hear! But, having heard it, at least I know it so I can do something about detoxing the graphene oxide from my blood. I originally created this compilation to help others, little realising I would have reason to use it myself:

Shedding Is Real

In his latest series of slides of blood samples from both “vaccinated” and unvaccinated people, Dr. Philippe van Welbergen demonstrated that the graphene injected into humans organizes and grows into larger fibers and structures, that it acquires magnetic properties or an electrical charge, and that the fibers show indications of more complex structures with stripes, Expose news

He has also shown that “shards” of graphene are transferred from “vaccinated” to vaccine-free or unvaccinated people, destroying their red blood cells and creating blood clots in the unvaccinated.

dr. Philippe van Welbergen (“Dr. Philippe”), medical director of Biomedical Clinics, was one of the first to warn the public about the damage done to people’s blood by Covid injections, releasing images of blood samples under the microscope.

Aftermath of Covid injection: Research shows 94% of “vaccine” recipients have blood clots and foreign particles

PreClots and Foreign Particles

An Italian study published two weeks ago in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (“IJVTPR”) found that almost everyone injected had abnormalities after the “Covid vaccination”. In 94% of the blood of the vaccinates, there was a clump of red blood cells and the presence of particles of different shapes and sizes, reports .

(Tom: If you got the jab and are looking for a compilation of Covid jab detox ingredients, go here: )