Medical coder blows the whistle on the COVID-19 illusion

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder — one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical coder a unique national medical overview, what Zowe describes as a “Sim-City-like view” of all that is taking place. She describes the illusion that was created using this system and the many different manipulations that took place, and are ongoing to this day; improper PCR testing, cycle threshold discrepancies, combination of flu and pneumonia with the presented COVID numbers, and the conflation of clear injection side effects with illusion of COVID-19. At its most basic level, this is medical fraud. Yet when considering the full breadth of willful deceptions and deadly fallout that followed, this rises undeniably to the level of medical genocide.

Methylene Blue Is Beneficial for Slowing Skeletal Aging and Treating Brain Disorders

Story at-a-glance

  • Methylene blue, first synthesized in 1876, evolved from a textile dye to an essential medical compound. It promotes mitochondrial health by enhancing energy production and reducing oxidative stress
  • Recent research suggests methylene blue is useful in the treatment of traumatic brain injury and conditions like Alzheimer’s disease
  • A March 2024 study indicates methylene blue supports bone health by inhibiting osteoclast differentiation, reducing the risk of age-related bone loss when combined with lifestyle modifications
  • Methylene blue offers various other health benefits, including reducing UTI risk, improving skin health, managing osteoarthritis and enhancing the effects of niacinamide on metabolic health
  • When selecting methylene blue, opt for pharmaceutical-grade (USP) varieties with 99% purity; avoid industrial or chemical-grade options, as they contain harmful contaminants. Recommended dosages are included

Cellular Health Revolution: Unveiling Hidden Threats and Empowering Solutions

Mercola Crucial Health Secret

  • In my recent appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show, we discussed how mitochondrial dysfunction, caused by modern toxins, is at the root of many diseases. ATP production has decreased by up to 75% compared to a century ago
  • I shared insights from my latest book, “Your Guide to Cellular Health: Unlocking the Science of Longevity and Joy,” including that seed oils, like soybean and corn oil, are major culprits in damaging cellular health, while natural sugars can be beneficial when used wisely
  • Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and EMFs from devices like cellphones and Wi-Fi routers pose significant risks to mitochondrial function, necessitating practical steps to reduce exposure
  • Powerful foundations and industry interests have shaped medical education and public health policies, often prioritizing pharmaceutical interventions over natural approaches
  • Restoring cellular health involves eliminating physical and EMF toxins, adopting a whole foods diet, optimizing sun exposure and addressing gut health imbalances

The Curious Link Between Dementia and Sensory Impairments

  • Dementia is not a normal part of aging, yet cases are increasing today. By 2060, an estimated 14 million adults over 65 will have dementia, nearly triple the number from a decade ago
  • Sensory impairments, particularly hearing and vision loss, are associated with increased dementia risk. Addressing these issues early could help reduce your risk of cognitive decline
  • Using hearing aids decreases the risk of cognitive decline by 19% and improves cognitive test scores by 3%, according to recent studies
  • Protecting your eye health involves proper nutrition. Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, and the antioxidant astaxanthin have significant benefits for both vision and brain health
  • Modifiable risk factors for dementia include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and poor diet. Addressing these factors can prevent up to 45% of dementia cases

Understanding Detoxification

Toxic Fumes Gas Mask

Millions of man-made chemicals have been described in scientific literature since the late 19th century. Production continues apace: something like 6,000 new chemicals are added to the list every week and at least 70,000 are currently in production. Only a fraction of this toxic load has been adequately tested for the long-term effects on human health.

We meet chemicals in the air, our food, water supplies and by direct contact. Medical drugs add their share, and even the clothes we wear and the fabric of our homes are mostly artificially made, needing many complex chemical precursors which linger on the final product. Some of these fabrics emit toxins long after being installed in the home. It is a fact of life in the modern world that indoor pollution can be just as bad, or worse, than the outdoor kind.

Gmail Users Warned About New Account Takeover Scam: Here’s What To Look For

Garry Tan, chief executive of prominent tech-oriented venture capital firm Ycombinator, wrote on X late last week that there is a “pretty elaborate” phishing scam that uses an AI-generated voice.

The scammers “[claim] to be Google Support (caller ID matches, but is not verified),” he wrote in an Oct. 10 post that he termed a “public service announcement.”

“DO NOT CLICK YES ON THIS DIALOG—You will be phished.

“They claim to be checking that you are alive and that they should disregard a death certificate filed that claims a family member is recovering your account. It’s a pretty elaborate ploy to get you to allow password recovery.”

IT consultant Sam Mitrovic, in a blog post last month, wrote of a similar scam attempt targeting Gmail accounts and also using an AI-generated voice.

The scams are getting increasingly sophisticated, more convincing and are deployed at ever larger scale,” Mitrovic wrote in the post. “People are busy and this scam sounded and looked legitimate enough that I would give them an A for their effort. Many people are likely to fall for it.”

The Best Foods (and Diet) to Help You Tackle Type 2 Diabetes

Ditch The Donuts

If you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, or if you want to prevent them from taking hold, there’s a lot you can do — even if you’re genetically predisposed! One of the main tools for tackling type 2 diabetes is diet — but which diet? Is low-carb the best way to go, or might it actually increase the long-term risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases? In this article, you’ll discover the dietary pattern that’s been shown to be the most effective for preventing, managing, and even reversing type 2 diabetes — as well as specific foods to include (and exclude) in your diet.

Just one teaspoon of this spice boosts weight loss by 50 percent

Cumin Seeds

A recent study shows cumin may also help you finally burn off those extra pounds. Researchers in Iran wanted to know the effect of this ancient spice on body composition as well as blood fat levels.

They randomly assigned 88 overweight or obese women to one of two groups.  Both groups followed a reduced calorie diet and received nutrition counseling.  But one group ate yogurt with three grams of cumin twice a day.  The other group ate plain yogurt.

After just three months, the cumin group members on average lost almost 50% more weight than the control group.  They also decreased their body fat percentage by 14.64% or almost three times the control group’s loss.

The cumin group also lowered their body mass index and waist circumference significantly more than the control group.

The authors speculated that cumin’s weight loss benefits may come from its heat.  It may temporarily increase metabolic rate.

Cumin also significantly reduced blood lipid levels.  Triglycerides dropped 23 points compared to only five points in the control group.