
We drink it, we wash in it, we swim in it, it makes up the largest volume of our body.
You would think we would know all about water.
It is the only liquid with 3 states of existence.
It is the only liquid which expands when it gets colder and becomes less as it gets warmer
There is no other planet yet discovered which has the volume of water which is here on Earth
And scientists tell us there is as much water now as there has ever been.
Water has so many unique properties and more are being discovered right now.
So much so that scientist have begun looking at water in a completely new way…
And they are making some amazing discoveries.
Right now they are discovering that Water memorises everything it ever come into contact with, past and present and each molecule retains its own knowledge – forever?
But the latest discoveries prove it to be even more clever than that…
It will take 10 minutes of your time. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=165946