An Important Message From Dr. Seuss

“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Some Thoughts From Me on "I Tried It And It Was Hard"

Anything you do for the first time leaves you somewhere on the scale from “it felt foreign” to “boy that was difficult” to “gee that was really hard” to “that’s impossible to do”. That’s why it takes 10,000 hours of practice and training to become world class at any thing.
If it is worthwhile it will take effort, perseverance, courage, determination and persistence to accomplish it. Sometimes the obstacles you have to overcome are daunting, challenging, overwhelming or discouraging. That’s where the mental bit comes in. That is the difference at the top of any field. The winner had a better handle on how to overcome the inclination to quit, fail or lose. They knew how to remotivate, reinspire and reenergise their distracted mind and exhausted body to push past the pain to attain the gain.
May you always create obstacles to overcome and may you always find the strength to overcome your obstacles.


When expectation exceeds reality, disappointment follows.
But when you demand more, reality is often bettered.
If you have ever been let down, you will appreciate the truth in the first line.
There is a subtle but huge difference in expecting (passive desire or wish) and demanding (causative intention) more from someone.
The intention level (low when wishing but high with demanding) is what makes the difference.
Next time you want an improvement in your life, demand it from yourself.
Oh. You thought I was talking about demanding more from others?
No, I was talking to you, about you.
You see, you are the most influential person in your life.
Nobody has as much influence with you as you do.
Nobody spends as much time with you as you do.
Nobody talks to you as much as you do.
What others say to you is infinitesimally insignificant compared to what you say to you.
If you do not act on the most brilliant advice you receive, it is as if it was never given.
Mediocre advice, acted upon, is infinitesimally more powerful than the best advice ignored.
So make some time this weekend to do these steps.
Imagine yourself to have NO FEAR! Imagine yourself to be all powerful, capable of facing up to any task, conquering any challenge and reaching any goal you set for yourself.
What would you aim for if you maintained that viewpoint?
With that in mind, review the advice you are operating on, your “self talk”, the conversation you have with yourself. See if you can give yourself some better advice.
Then act on it.
After all, who better to follow advice from than the person who knows you best?

A Quote From Mahatma Gandhi

“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.”