17 of 24 Foreign Policy Advisors The Same

17 of 24 Foreign Policy Advisors The Same
Not a lot of difference between Bush and Romney.
Michael Aydinian, One of my Facebook buddies, posted this:
For the people of America this is madness! AND IT IS………… yet, it’s not! You see on Capitol Hill & their bosses THIS IS POLICY! Implementing their plans & wishes is what matters! The last thing they care about is the very job they should be doing – HELPING AMERICA & ITS CITIZENS! So a duping process to ensure voters really have political representation is an on-going theme, for the catch is – YOU STILL PAY! Small wonder each year the voting turnout positively plummets! This means one thing – THEIR GOALS ARE BECOMING INCREASINGLY APPARENT!
So it became essential for the ‘elite’ to assume control of the mainstream media! It didn’t matter if people didn’t vote; what was imperative was no one raised obvious questions – corruption; glaring inconsistencies in the official account of 9/11; the blatant lies leading to wars in Afghanistan & Iraq; war crimes; Israeli atrocities; the plight of the Palestinians – ALL KEPT UNDER WRAPS! When someone like Bradley Manning or Julian Assange creates a storm on the Internet, their lives are thrown into turmoil through fabricated charges, the media discredits them further while ignoring the fact all they did was TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WAR CRIMES!
Then there was the quite outrageous voter fraud! The vast majority of Americans wanted RON PAUL as President, the power-brokers didn’t! To say elections were rigged is a chronic understatement! In a recent poll over 10,000 asking WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR – ROMNEY or PAUL? The result was astonishing! Less then 2.5% abstained; Romney managed a paltry 4.82%; PAUL received a WHOPPING 92.8%! Yet the media made out RON PAUL wasn’t in the picture. The BBC never once mentioned RON PAUL – the mainstream media had literally become a lying machine!
However long before the first GOP Primary, don’t for one minute think those in power were unaware of the groundswell of support for RON PAUL & the strong likelihood the support would grow. I feel this was the catalyst for the rapid ratification of an act so vile, it could only be described as a declaration of war on the American People – the NDAA! Why? RP could be cheated; the media would oblige! Yes, but I believe they realized the next step would be massive protests which occurred with the Occupy movement. As protest grew the media lied or ignored them. No surprise CNN, FOX & the rest witnessed a dramatic fall – people were switching off in their droves! The NDAA was effectively their insurance policy!
AMERICA HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER! There is no question; mountains of evidence, even proof exists! VOLTAIRE said ‘to learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize!’ Sure enough the entire mainstream media is controlled by Zionists; even when the UN condemned Israel, the US always applied a veto; the US sends more aid to Israel every year than to the entire starving continent of Africa; the loan then becomes a gift! Several immensely powerful Zionist pressure groups & lobbyists exist & for years they’ve been doing a stand up job making sure American politicians do exactly what Israel wants! The caption shows Romney’s 24 advisers for US foreign policy were ALL part of the horrendous administration of GW Bush; what it doesn’t say is these ‘advisers’ ALL hold dual national citizenship, US & ISRAELI, which in itself is illegal!
The NDAA is the end of the road! What else can the Elite do to ensure they stay in control? Their ONLY worry is whether the Military & Police continue to obey their orders! Many months ago I felt this was the key. I wrote a piece advising Americans that if they knew members of the Police force or Military, they should calmly explain that those giving orders were controlled by criminals of huge proportions. Their wages though were paid for by the people; their duty was to serve & protect the public! Now I’m urging Americans to do this – appeal to them, the higher the rank, the better! No revolution can succeed without the support of the Military & Police. The alternative is nightmarish – your lives & the planet’s well-being!
Michael Aydinian
If you look up the Diebold voting machines on YouTube you will find concrete proof they were rigged, even for the previous election. You can see the election will be won by whomever controls them.

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