New Breakfast Muesli


I have varied my breakfast. Currently I am eating a breakfast that is 2 cm of Muesli in the bottom of the bowl with some macadamia nut milk, two spoons of soaked chia seeds, a heaped dessert spoon of ground flax seeds, some frozen berries, a diced kiwifruit and a passionfruit with some coconut yogurt.

I have been trying the store bought mueslis and came across a gluten-free one that is pretty good but it still has added sugars. 32% total content, in fact. And, as you probably already know, cancer thrives on sugar. So I am keen on keeping mine to a low on my regular diet. (There are enough birthdays around to make special occasions fairly frequent!)

So I thought, “Why don’t I make my own!” So, I did!

I bought in some puffed buckwheat, quinoa and sorghum and some amaranth flakes to lighten up what would have otherwise been some pretty heavy going bird seed, added 5 seeds, 4 nuts, 9 different dried fruits, some yeast flakes, shredded coconut and cinnamon. No added sugar at all, in any of its forms!

For the full nutrition information panel head on over to

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