Google, Facebook Censor Alex Jones

In case you did not hear, Alex Jones runs a site called He has a very “conspiracy theory” viewpoint. I personally find him a bit “over the top” but apparently a few others labelled him a lot more severely so had him blacklisted.
My take on that is this.
All of us are natively equipped with a personal censor that we use to filter out information that does not align with what we believe to be true or that which we find unconscionable or objectionable. Last time I checked, mine was still working. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the US Constitution do not abrogate this right to a government to a corporation. For good reason. History shows they are not to be trusted. Each has a vested interest. For instance, just this last week, Monsanto were just ordered to pay over $200 million to a person who contracted cancer by using Roundup, their herbicide. They kept it secret since 1981 that it caused cancer.
Any government, corporation or individual seeking to censor information for another has a reason to do so. All of these people are going to claim they are righteous and moral doing it for the benefit of society. Someone with crimes to hide is NEVER going to come out and say, “I want to hide my crimes so we will just censor these people so they can’t talk about them.” They talk in righteous tones about “truth” and “protecting others” so we will agree to hide their crimes.
Rather than censoring by decree, how about we promote the intelligence and rationality of the individual so we can better trust them to abandon the hate speakers like politicians who clamour for war or the racists or the religious bigots so the few misguided people of this ilk spend their time talking to empty seats?

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