‘High IQ Stupidity’

I’d like to share with you a first hand experience with what I have come to call ‘High IQ Stupidity’.

My wife Julie suffered a pulmonary embolism 23 Dec 2023. Yeah, I know. Two days before Christmas, right? Perfectly bad timing. Almost. During Christmas day lunch would have been worse.

She walked up a single flight of stairs to go to bed and was very short of breath. Had not resolved in reasonable time so she called me. Measured her blood oxygen saturation and it was not the 95+ it should be but 79!

A short ambulance ride to our closest hospital and Julie is given a few tests to determine the cause then put on anticoagulants to dissolve the blood clot between the heart and lungs.

Several days later the respiratory specialist comes in and I ask if he has ever heard of the enzymes nattokinase, lumbrokinase or serrapeptase, all effective in helping dissolve blood clots. He hadn’t. I told him I had procured some to help someone I knew who had a clot in her legs that was not dissolving with regular anticoagulants. Asked if he could provide help in us using them as well as the medication she was on so we could ensure we did thin her blood too much. No dice.

Fast forward to February 28th when we see him again. I ask if he has done any research on the three enzymes. He replies no, we have our standard protocols.

I show him a photograph of the rubbery clots embalmers were pulling out of the veins of people who had died post COVID shots and told him I was concerned since Julie had received two COVID shots, that these had the potential to be causing her problem. Did he have any way to test for them? “No. But they are not a problem as she is not dead.”

I am not often lost for words but believe me on that occasion I was dumbstruck!

I still am. It is truly remarkable how narrowly some people’s view can be limited and controlled such that they are almost like a robot. Which in a data rich, highly information silo’d society like ours, is potentially fatal.

Still shaking my head at his ‘High IQ Stupidity’.

And that is not even looking at the institutional gaslighting that does not permit physicians to discuss the possibility that a vaccination could be the cause of a health problem.

 “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” Upton Sinclair