Who armed Ukraine and decided to expand NATO? Prof John Mearsheimer

Prof John Mearsheimer

John is correct on three points. The British world/Anglosphere is a part of the US in real terms and the US Empire should read Anglo-American world power/ Empire. This is a sad state of affairs. John is correct in that Washington is who Moscow needs to speak with. This spreading of NATO or American client kingdoms is not an effort to contain Russia but an effort entirely directed at keeping Russia and German Europe apart. Should Russia and Germany unite even in a small way, this would spell the end Anglo-Saxon supremacy. The wars against militarily and economically inferior Asian States of recent decades are solely for the purpose of dividing Asians, as is the support of the terrorist Israel State. We’re Western and Eastern Europeans to become united, it would be only a matter of time before the Island of the Earth, Eurasia emerged as s single entity. Asian supremacy is the natural state of affairs, as Asians were always the predominant culture and power except for the drop in the oceans of time- the last three centuries. Asia is certain to reemerge and never again fall to our Western financial and banking tyranny. John is correct in that if USA attempts against China, Russia will be needed as will India. I hope Russia and India become firm allies of China. The Age of the Anglo/Saxon is drawing to a close and our history is to be written in Chinese.
