Remember Remember the 6th of January

I’ve been spending time abroad for the past 2 and a half months and am in Indonesia at the moment. I have met many people from across the world and the articulated theme is continuously the same … they are supporting Trump and praying for America to straighten out the election and arrest the pedophilic and treasonous politicians. All of the people I’ve talked to have had their eyes, in the past year, opened wide to the corruption and tyranny the traitors to the U.S. and to the world are flaunting as they lock down the world and destroy the economies and lives of billions of people.

Even the foreigners are seeing past the corrupt MSMedia in America, England, Europe and across the world. They see the lies and the tyranny the papers are supporting. They see the plethora of election fraud not being reported. 50,000 affidavits from people across America stating they have witnessed election fraud. The MSMedia says nothing. Every reverse engineered hacker test of every election machine across the U.S. has produced fraudulent results. The hackers all report that Trump won 49 of the 50 states. Nothing from the MSMedia. Almost every court case is being thrown out because of procedural reasons after listening to devastating evidence of voter fraud. It’s sickening the corruption. All of this fraud goes one way … it is skewed to the Democrats and to Biden. Again, nothing from the MSMedia.

The many foreigners I’ve talked to know if Trump loses … they lose. If Trump wins … the World Wins. There is so much riding on what happens today.

Fight For Trump !! Fight for the U.S. !!! Fight For the World !!!

Stand up now. This time in history has been prophesied by every religion. Are we going to lay down and give up and allow the evil … or are we going to stand up and Fight? Are we going to stand with the millions of people that have deluged upon Washington D.C. today to encourage the congress to do what the MSMedia refuses to do. Look at the evidence and acknowledge the fraud. Tell the Americans and the World the Truth.

This is what needs to happen, tell the Congress to …

… Shut the MSMedia off for the next 10 days using the Emergency Broadcast System and show the American public and the world all the evidence of the corruption. Show them what the traitorous MSMedia won’t. Show them the videos and the traitorous evidence against Biden and his son, Kamela Harris, the Obamas, the Bush’s, the Clintons, CJ John Roberts and Justice Breyer, Pelosi, the Federal politicians, the state governors, the state Sec. of States, the unelected officials behind the scenes in our gov’t who have conspired treason, those in the FBI, the rogue CIA and so many, many more. Show the American public and shock the hell out of them. Show the World the pedophilia rampant in our globalist elites and world leaders. Show the World how their own political leaders collude and participate with our political leaders and steal the taxes and money from each country and society. Show all the corrupt back door bribes. Show the American public and world the illegal banking system that has stolen quadrillions of dollars from the U.S. and the world. Show them how the MSMedia has completely lied to them for decades.

Let the American public and the World be shocked to the core. We all need it. Then we should arrest all these people and we should never allow this to happen ever again.

Never Ever again.

If the Congress and Senate won’t do it … then the military should take control and do it.

I’m not pushing for a civil war of brother against brothers. I’m avering the military should take control because this concerns our National Security.

We have an opportunity to rid the U.S. and the World of all this evil. The chance is now. Trump has the Guardians of the Space Force and the whole of the NSA behind him. They have seen everything and have all the evidence needed for arrests and tribunals. Trump has the majority of the military behind him.

What timeline of history will we create?

The prophecies of old telling of the demise of the world or will we be Patriots and co-create a different timeline that rescues and spiritually refreshes the U.S. and world?

St. Basil wrote, “Better a good fight than a fake peace.” … there has never been a greater time in history for a really good fight. A fight that would rid the world of a great deal of evil and strife and restore peace, freedom, each individual and each country’s soveriengty.

At the end of the 10 days, the military and Trump should come out and call for another election for the Presidency and an election for all the Federal and State political leaders.

The military should then go state by state and hand a ballot to every legit American registered to vote and analog video tape every American sealing and handing their ballot to them. Then every ballot needs to be video taped as it is counted, so that a record is made of it. Complete transparency.

If an American is opposed to this, than you should check your ethics. Only criminals don’t want a fair election.

Our vote is what makes us free. It is the most important expression of our freedom. Without honest, secure and fair elections we have no freedom.

Better a good fight than fake freedom.

Greg Yodis