Arthritis Tips

Over-Acidification of the blood and tissue is the major underlying cause of Arthritis and most chronic degenerative disorders. It’s the accumulation and excretion of dietary and metabolic acids into the joints that leads to the inflammation and breakdown. Foods and drinks that are more Alkaline in nature need to be emphasised.
Deadly Nightshades – If you suffer from sore or enlarged joints, you are best to avoid this food group as Arthritis sufferers commonly share an allergy to these: white potatoes, tomatoes (particularly cooked), eggplant, capsicum.
Yeast Overgrowth – Candida gut infections are linked to joint problems also. Maintaining an anti-fungal approach to your diet (mainly avoiding all sugars and grains) can greatly improve overall joint health also. Fungus can either cause arthritis by infecting a joint directly or indirectly through their production of mycotoxins (fungal poisons).
Gluten Intolerance – yet another good reason to nix the grains; and gluten is more intolerable and destructive than most people realise.
Heavy Metal Toxicity – a thorough detoxification and dietary Clean Up (supported by me!) will help to alleviate the toxic load in your system.

Good News Notes

Good News Notes
from Homestead Survival… “Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. On New Years Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year.”